Final Project for INFO 254 at UC Berkeley in Spring 2018
After initially cloning the repository make sure that
- All the dependecies in
are installed. You can install them by runningpip install -r requirements.txt
. - You created and configured the dotenv file (
). Just copy and rename the.env.example
and fill in the blank spots. - You created the database. In your terminal navigate to this folder and run
to bring up the python interactive shell. Then run the following three commands:import app
, thenapp._create_database()
and finallyexit()
|— requirements.txt (all the required python packages)
|— .env (store environment variables that should not end up on github)
|— (loads variables from .env)
|— (runs the flask server)
|— app/
|— data/ (user generated data. Not pushed to github.)
|— models/ (all SQLAlchemy models)
|— (the routes of the app)
|— static/ (static files i.e. css, js, images)
|— templates/ (Jinja2 templates)
|— utils/ (additional functions such as custom decorators)