Tetris™ clone based around .NET Core 3.0 C# and WPF utilising MVVM architecture, ReactiveProperties and Prism.MVVM. Application was built as a semester project.
Game follows basic mechanics of the game Tetris™ and was built in complience with the rules of the game. All of terms and definitions used in the project are derived from the Tetris™ naming convention (i.e. Tetrimino).
- Automatic movement of Tetriminos with gradual speed up of the pieces as the game progresses
- Ability to manually rotate Tetriminos around their respective rotation axis
- Ability to manually move Tetrimons to the left, right and force them to instantly be placed below their current position
- Automatic Tetrimino generation with implemented randomizer of Tetrimino kind
- Score tracking with number of cleared rows distinction
Key | Function |
Right arrow | Move Tetrimino to the right |
Left arrow | Move Tetrimino to the left |
Down arrow | Force Tetrimino to go to the bottom |
Up arrow | Rotate Tetrimino |
Escape | Start new game (on gameover only) |
- Prism - Prism library used for easier building and maintaining MVVM architecture
- ReactiveProperty - ReactiveProperty provides asynchronous MVVM properties
- Filip Kosmala - Game mechanics and Team leader - FrostyShadow
- Natalia Machowska - Project documentation and UI design - nataliaamachowskaa
- Wojciech Kolarski - Project documentation and UI design - WojciechKolarski
This project is licensed under the MIT License
- Takaaki Suzuki - Creator of the WpfTetris game built around .NET Framework. His work inspired many aspects of, and was the general inspiration for creating, this project - xin9le