Web-App for the detection and quantification of Spots on a microfluidics device for the determination of bioactivity of HPLC-fractions in parallel to an HPLC-MS experiment.
The Web-App is based on streamlit and currently runs on the streamlit cloud service:
- Clone this repository
- Open Windows Terminal and go to the main folder of the repository:
cd <filepath>
- Create and activate a new conda environment:
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate uspotreader
- Start the App by running the following command:
streamlit run MicrospotReader_App.py
Additionally, this Repository contains Jupyter Notebooks in the notebooks
-folder if you do not wish to use the Web-App:
: Detection and analysis of MicroSpots as well as antimicrobial halos within an image. Determination of bioactivity. -
: Concatenation of Spot-Lists of the same LC-MS run and correlation of MicroSpots with a retention time. -
: Annotation of MS1 spectra within a .mzML file with bioactivity at the corresponding retention time. -
: Feature detection and annotation with activity data from .csv file prepared with previous stepas and a .mzML file.