This project has a license, so don't try copying it. You can fork it and give credit without claiming it's yours. Self-hosting and hosting providers are OK WITH CREDIT AND LICENSE. Also, all games here are not mine, so you can have them.
Donate to the dev, SipSup3314, using the button below.
This site has a few features to make your life easier:
- Tab Hider (Opens tab in about:blank. Not visible to most extensions such as GoGuardian)
- Homepage is disguised as Google
Pull requests are highly encouraged as they take work off our hands and allow people to contribute to this site.
To make a game request or review the site, please make an issue on GitHub or create a ticket in the Discord Server
There are limitations to the games we can add.
- Only browser games. Please don't ask for Fortnite or Roblox.
- No online multiplayer games. Since the multiplayer servers for games can and will be blocked for most people, we cannot do online multiplayer.
- No unlocking websites or streaming services. Once again, we are broke and can't afford servers.
- That's it, I guess
This has been moved to the backlog. Click here to view it.
As I said, please feel free to make a pull request to accomplish these features.