Azure Made us easy to deploy WebApp/WebSite with best security, stability & optimize web automatically which can solve Health,Educational institutes to reduce their costs by using Azure
Azure Services Used = Azure-WebAppDeployer, Visual Studio Code, Azure API
Demo Azure published -
I Have deployed an Dating Site on Azure which can Drag and drop photo upload integration into a cloud platform (Azure cloudinary) Used AutoMapper in webapi core
Dating App Deployed Using Azure
Identity and Role Management
Persist data using Entity Framework Core.
Used Repository Pattern, created generic Repository for adding another layer of abstraction over Entity Franework.
Common error handling in Angular and .net core to show webapi errors on client app. Used Http Interceptors.
Used AutoMapper in webapi core.
Integrated 3rd party components like Alertify.js as service wrapper into the Angular application
Authentication using JWT Authentication tokens for securing Webapi's.
Implemented lazy loading to load related navigation properties in entity so Entity Framework core loads navigation properties when it needs them.
Filtering, sorting and paging of data
Drag and drop photo upload integration into a cloud platform (cloudinary)
Private messaging Chat system
User can like profiles of other users( of opposite sex ) and can recieve likes from other users as well. Implemented Many-To-Many relationships.
Global error Handling in the API and the SPA.
ngx-loader to show loader on each http request and hide loader on http response.
Implemeted Routing. Secured routes with CanActivate and CanDeActivate guards.
Resolvers to pass data in route.
Used Angular Reactive forms.
Deployed to Azure
HTTPS certificate applied