Everything in English (naming, comments, commits, ...)
- we strictly follow PEP8 naming convention for everything https://peps.python.org/pep-0008/#prescriptive-naming-conventions
- names end with the top-level relation, e.g.:
- short_text_question for the short text questions database table
- short_text_answer for the short text answers database table
- application_table for the list of all applications
- variable names contain the datatype if it is a "complex" data type (e.g., list, dict, ...)
- datetime format in scripts is "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"
- date format in scripts is "%Y-%m-%d"
Keyword | Explanation |
_question | everything related to a question (e.g., ) |
_answer | an answer to a question for a specific application |
_table | for tables (database) |
_list | for lists in the code (instead of plural, easier to read) |
_dict | for dictionaries |
choice | multiple choice selection possibility |
db | database |
--> short_text_question_table for the db table containing all short questions
We use the following yapf config style:
based_on_style = pep8
split_before_named_assigns = False
column_limit = 120
dedent_closing_brackets = False
join_multiple_lines = True
indent_width = 4
blank_line_before_nested_class_or_def = False
You can apply this style globally if you save this file in ~/.config/yapf/style For formatting with VS Code, follow this few quick steps: https://victorleungtw.medium.com/visual-studio-code-with-python-auto-formatting-8ba92b44360
- Fragentypen
- Freitext (kurz und lang)
- User management
- Email verification
- Password reset
- Admin / Rights Management
- Encryption
- Frontend <> User
- Frontend <> Backend
- Authentication sinnvoll handlen
- Logging
- CI
- Admin Dashboard
- Fragentypen
- Multiple choice (single und multi)
- Conditional Fragen
- Datepicker
- Numberpicker
- Textvalidation
- Telefonnummer
- Zahlen
- Regex
- file upload
- infobox
- conditional text based on date + …
- doku
- Mehrere typen an infobox (erweiterbar?)
- User management
- @gmail und @googlemail das gleiche
- Export
- Validation mail mit allen antworten sobald bewerbung abgeschlossen ist
- Statusanzeige
- sehr gut wartbar / easy to use ohne IT background
- gut erweiterbar
- Fragentypen
- Wettbewerbsstruktur
- Datenschutzerklärung + Impressum
- Open Sourcing
Das Team SchabosWissenWerDerBaboIst möchte sich bei GenD bewerben.
Ich bin GenD IT team member und habe die ehrenvolle Aufgabe bekommen, das Bewerbungstool für dieses Jahr aufzusetzen. Ich habe keine Ahnung von Programmieren und möchte das ganze so schnell und entspannt wie möglich über die Bühne bringen.
- Anmelden + Bewerbung vollständig ausfüllen
- Bewerbung nur teilweise ausfüllen, zu einem späteren zeitpunkt weiterführen
- Sind sich unsicher ob alles geklappt hat, hätten gerne eine bestätigungsmail mit ihrem content
- ich habe mein passwort vergessen und möchte es zurück setzen Bewerbungsprozess easy aufsetzen als GenD IT Team mitglied
- ein repo, darin unterteilung in Backend und Frontend
- Backend: Supabase https://supabase.com/
- Frontend: Nextjs
- State Management: Redux
- CSS: Tailwind CSS
- Server: Hetzner
import.py => config.file -1-> model -2-> DB
- JSON Syntax Check: 1.1 Model Check 1.2 Key Words 1.3 Values 1.4 Mandatory Key Words
- All Good
- /
- /login
- /phase-x
- /admin
Using Pino and Logflare for logging. Set the following Environment Variables:
The code is located under /src/logger/logger.ts
How to use it:
import Logger from '@/logger/logger';
const log = new Logger("CURRENT_MODULE")
log.debug("MSG", "USER_ID");
- Clone Repository
- navigate to .git/hooks/:
cd .git/hooks/
- Create pre-push file:
nano pre-push
- Insert commands:
# This hook script runs "npm run format:fix", "npm run lint", and "npm run format"
# in the /frontend directory before pushing, aborting the push if any of these commands fail.
REPO_ROOT=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)
echo "Changing to frontend directory..."
cd "$FRONTEND_DIR" || exit
echo "In frontend directory, running format:fix..."
npm run format:fix
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "format:fix failed, aborting push."
exit 1
echo "Running lint..."
npm run lint
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Linting failed, aborting push."
exit 1
echo "Running format..."
npm run format
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Formatting failed, aborting push."
exit 1
echo "All checks passed. Proceeding with push."
cd - # Return to the original directory
exit 0
- Make Hook Executable:
chmod +x pre-push
- Navigate back:
cd ../../
- Test your git Hook:
git push
- Prerequisites:
- Ubuntu Server with Docker Image and Docker Compose
- 2 URLs (one for Frontend and one for your proxy)
- Set URLs to IP Adresses:
- Frontend URL (e.g. bewerbung.generation-d.org)
- Proxy/Nginx URL (e.g. bewerbung-proxy.generation-d.org)
- Set A -> IPv4 and AAAA -> IPv6
- Create and copy files from repository into server:
- custom-nginx.conf
- docker-compose.yml (change the docker image name, if not prd)
Login into Github Container Registry: https://docs.github.com/en/packages/working-with-a-github-packages-registry/working-with-the-container-registry
Call docker compose up -d (make sure the api keys are set to the e.g. supabase instance you want to use: https://github.com/Generation-D/application-platform/settings/secrets/actions)
Setup Nginx
- Go to YOUR_IP:81
- Default Credentials:
- email: admin@example.com
- password: changeme
- Update Credentials
- Check on a page, like https://dnschecker.org/ if your A and AAAA entries are already set for both URLs, if not wait, else proceed
- Go to Dashboard -> Proxy Hosts
- Add first Proxy Host:
- Details:
- Domain Names=YOUR_PROXY_DOMAIN (e.g.
, no protocoll/port) - Forward Hostname/IP=
- Forward Port=
- Block Common Exploits: On
- Domain Names=YOUR_PROXY_DOMAIN (e.g.
- SSL:
- Request a new SSL Certificate
- Force SSL: On
- HTTP/2 Support: On
- HSTS Enabled: On
- Agree to Terms of Service
- Details:
- Add Second Proxy Host:
- Details:
- Domain Names=YOUR_FRONTEND_DOMAIN (e.g.
, no protocoll/port) - Forward Hostname/IP=
- Forward Port=
- Block Common Exploits: On
- Websockets Support: On
- Domain Names=YOUR_FRONTEND_DOMAIN (e.g.
- SSL:
- Request a new SSL Certificate
- Force SSL: On
- HTTP/2 Support: On
- HSTS Enabled: On
- Agree to Terms of Service
- Details: