- 🌱 I’m currently doing MSc in AI & Data Science at Mohamed VI Polytechnic University
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate with geeky minds
- 🥅 Goals: I just want to sleep less stupid than I woke up
- 📫 My Blog: genereux-akotenou.github.io
BankReviewIntelligence: Is a data-as-a-product platform that provides in-depth analytics and decision-making support based on customer reviews of banks.
Model-free and Model-based reinforcement learning algorithm implemented in gaming like scenarios.
Jupyter Notebook
Content: Random Variable simulation - Optimization Algorithm - Stachastic Optimization - Prog Linear modeling - Database Mongo - Dynamic Programing - Parallel Computing - Linear Algebra - Deep lear…
Jupyter Notebook
Content: Predictive models for stock market movements using two distinct regression approaches: Simple Regression and Bayesian Regression based on Apple stock price data obtained from Yahoo Finance…
Jupyter Notebook