Pumping test analysis with welltestpy
In this workflow, we analyse two pumping test campaigns on two field sites:
- "Horkheimer Insel" (Heilbronn, Germany)
- "Lauswiesen" (Tübingen, Germany)
The aim is to estimate parameters of heterogeneity from transient puming test data
and to analyse their sensitivities.
Target parameters
- mean of log-transmissivity
- variance of log-transmissivity
- length scale of log-transmissivity
- storage
Applied methods
The applied methods utilizing effecitive head solutions for the groundwater flow
equation under a pumping test condition are described in:
Zech, A., Müller, S., Mai, J., Heße, F., and Attinger, S.:
Extending Theis’ Solution: Using Transient Pumping Tests to Estimate Parameters of Aquifer Heterogeneity,
Water Resour. Res., 52, 6156–6170, https://doi.org/10.1002/2015WR018509, 2016.
These methods were implemented in welltestpy
to automatically interprete pumping test data.
The underlying type-curves are implemented in AnaFlow
Data sources
The data for the "Horkheimer Insel" field site was manually taken from:
Schad H.: Variability of hydraulic parameters in non-uniform porous media:
experiments and stochastic modeling at different scales.
University Tübingen; 1997. Ph.D. thesis.
The pumping data from the "Lauswiesen" field site was kindly provided by
Dr. Carsten Leven-Pfister
and is made available on a repository of the University of Tübingen:
Research Data Portal FDAT
Citable as:
Leven, C. (2020): Pumping Tests in Wells B1-B5 at the Hydrogeological Research Site Lauswiesen,
Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen,
The workflow is organized by the following structure:
- contains the campaign files for both sites in the
format - contains time series for diagnostic plots
- contains the campaign files for both sites in the
- contains the scripts to produce the results00_wtp_plot.py
- plotting well-constellation and campaign overviews01_est_run.sh
- bash file running02_para_estimation.py
in parallel01b_est_run.sh
- bash file running02b_para_estimation.py
in parallel02_para_estimation.py
- estimate parameters of heterogeneity from the pumping tests02b_para_estimation.py
- estimate equivalent parameters of homogeneity the pumping tests03_postpro_results.py
- plotting the estimation results for both sites04_postpro_sensitivity.py
- plotting the sensitivity results for both sites05_est_radial_sens.sh
- bash file running06_rad_sens.py
in parallel06_rad_sens.py
- estimate parameter sensitivites depending on the radial distance
to the pumping well. when run in serial, results will be plotted.07_comparison_len_scale.py
- generate comparison plot for different length scales08_check_unconfined_effect.py
- generate diagnostic plots
- all produced results
Python environment
Main Python dependencies are stored in requirements.txt
You can install them with pip
(potentially in a virtual environment):
pip install -r requirements.txt
You can contact us via info@geostat-framework.org.
MIT © 2021