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Merge pull request #4 from GeoscienceAustralia/github-action-pytest
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GitHub Action to run Pytest
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caitlinadams authored Jan 9, 2025
2 parents 0a1b52f + 7fa8554 commit 42e2e33
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Showing 2 changed files with 88 additions and 235 deletions.
28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions .github/workflows/run-pytest.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
name: Run Tests with Pytest

branches: [main]

runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Set up micromamba environment
uses: mamba-org/setup-micromamba@v2.0.3
generate-run-shell: true
environment-file: environment.yml
condarc: |
- conda-forge
- name: Check packages
shell: micromamba-shell {0}
run: |
python --version
pytest --version
- name: Run tests
shell: micromamba-shell {0}
run: |
295 changes: 60 additions & 235 deletions environment.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,265 +1,90 @@
name: sar-antarctica
- conda-forge
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- azure-storage-common-cpp=12.6.0
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- click-plugins=1.1.1
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- contourpy=1.2.1
- cryptography=42.0.8
- cycler=0.12.1
- debugpy=1.8.1
- decorator=5.1.1
- dill=0.3.8
- exceptiongroup=1.2.0
- executing=2.0.1
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- giflib=5.2.2
- greenlet=3.0.3
- hdf4=4.2.15
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- icu=73.2
- idna=3.7
- importlib-metadata=7.2.1
- importlib_metadata=7.2.1
- infinity=1.5
- intervals=0.9.2
- ipykernel=6.29.4
- ipython=8.25.0
- jedi=0.19.1
- json-c=0.17
- jupyter=1.1.1
- jupyter_client=8.6.2
- jupyter_core=5.7.2
- kealib=1.5.3
- kiwisolver=1.4.5
- krb5=1.21.2
- lcms2=2.16
- icu=75.1
- json-c=0.18
- keyutils=1.6.1
- krb5=1.21.3
- ld_impl_linux-64=2.43
- lerc=4.0.0
- libabseil=20240116.2
- libaec=1.1.3
- libarchive=3.7.4
- libarchive=3.7.7
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- libblas=3.9.0
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- libffi=3.4.2
- libgdal=3.9.0
- libgfortran5=13.2.0
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- libgoogle-cloud=2.25.0
- libgoogle-cloud-storage=2.25.0
- libgrpc=1.62.2
- libgcc=14.2.0
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- libgdal-core=3.10.0
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- libheif=1.19.5
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- lzo=2.10
- matplotlib-base=3.8.4
- matplotlib-inline=0.1.7
- minizip=4.0.7
- multiprocess=0.70.16
- munkres=1.1.4
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- nspr=4.35
- nss=3.101
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- packaging=24.1
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- passlib=1.7.4
- pathos=0.3.2
- pcre2=10.43
- pendulum=3.0.0
- pexpect=4.9.0
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- ppft=
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- proj=9.4.1
- prompt-toolkit=3.0.47
- psutil=6.0.0
- psycopg2=2.9.9
- pthread-stubs=0.4
- ptyprocess=0.7.0
- pure_eval=0.2.2
- pycparser=2.22
- pygments=2.18.0
- pyparsing=3.1.2
- pyrosar=0.23.0
- pysocks=1.7.1
- python=3.10.14
- python-dateutil=2.9.0
- python-utils=3.8.2
- numpy=2.2.1
- openssl=3.4.0
- pcre2=10.44
- pip=24.3.1
- proj=9.5.1
- python=3.10.16
- python_abi=3.10
- pytz=2024.1
- pyyaml=6.0.1
- pyzmq=26.0.3
- rasterio=1.3.10
- re2=2023.09.01
- rav1e=0.6.6
- readline=8.2
- requests=2.32.3
- setuptools=70.1.0
- setuptools-scm=8.1.0
- setuptools_scm=8.1.0
- six=1.16.0
- snappy=1.2.0
- snuggs=1.4.7
- spatialist=0.13.1
- spdlog=1.13.0
- sqlalchemy=1.4.49
- sqlalchemy-utils=0.41.2
- sqlalchemy-utils-arrow=0.41.2
- sqlalchemy-utils-babel=0.41.2
- sqlalchemy-utils-base=0.41.2
- sqlalchemy-utils-color=0.41.2
- sqlalchemy-utils-encrypted=0.41.2
- sqlalchemy-utils-intervals=0.41.2
- sqlalchemy-utils-password=0.41.2
- sqlalchemy-utils-pendulum=0.41.2
- sqlalchemy-utils-phone=0.41.2
- sqlalchemy-utils-timezone=0.41.2
- sqlalchemy-utils-url=0.41.2
- sqlite=3.46.0
- stack_data=0.6.2
- tblib=3.0.0
- tiledb=2.24.1
- time-machine=2.14.1
- setuptools=75.6.0
- shapely=2.0.6
- snappy=1.2.1
- sqlite=3.47.2
- svt-av1=2.3.0
- tk=8.6.13
- tomli=2.0.1
- tornado=6.4.1
- traitlets=5.14.3
- types-python-dateutil=
- typing-extensions=4.12.2
- typing_extensions=4.12.2
- tzcode=2024a
- tzdata=2024a
- unicodedata2=15.1.0
- tzdata=2024b
- uriparser=0.9.8
- urllib3=2.2.2
- wcwidth=0.2.13
- wheel=0.43.0
- wheel=0.45.1
- x265=3.5
- xerces-c=3.2.5
- xorg-libxau=1.0.11
- xorg-libxdmcp=1.1.3
- xz=5.2.6
- yaml=0.2.5
- zeromq=4.3.5
- zipp=3.19.2
- zlib=1.3.1
- zstd=1.5.6
- pip:
- asf-search==7.1.3
- boto3==1.34.132
- botocore==1.34.132
- ciso8601==2.3.1
- dateparser==1.2.0
- git+
- jmespath==1.0.1
- pyproj==3.6.1
- regex==2024.5.15
- s3transfer==0.10.2
- scipy==1.14.0
- sentineleof==0.9.5
- shapely==2.0.4
- tenacity==8.2.2
- tzlocal==5.2

- click==8.1.8
- pytest==8.3.4
- .

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