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Releases: Gibberlings3/iwdification

Version 7

27 Jan 12:59
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"Aye Aye Captain, I mean only one eye, I mean yes sir, um, ma'am."

  • The IWD Class Updates: Ranger: Tracking [Lava] changes can now be applied to all rangers or limited to un-kitted rangers
  • Fixed a bug with the IWD Class Updates: Druid: Use IWD Shapeshifting and Ability Progression component where it would fail to install if the player had a placeholder entry for an ability table in the master kit list
  • Fixed an install issue with Randomized Enemy Equipment

Version 6

15 Jan 15:55
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"This is why you never see a poor person with millions of dollars."

  • Added new component IWD Class Updates: Ranger: Tracking [Lava]
  • Added Russian translation; thanks Arkie!
  • Paladin's Smite Evil wasn't playing its sound due to a missing file
  • Updated portrait icons on oBG2 weren't aligned in the UI correctly
  • Fixed oBG2 bug with the spell type of the new bard songs
  • Evasion can now be applied to all thieves and kits or only non-kitted thieves
  • Fixed a conflict where IWD_EET was installing its own version of a projectile that was causing the arcane spell component to not install
  • Spell fixes:
    • On oBG2, Snilloc's Snowball Swarm was missing its sound
    • Acid Storm in oBG2 was missing its sound due to a typo
    • Trolls summoned in oBG2 had some leftover death-revive sequencing, which has been deleted (summoned trolls should just die and don't need fire/acid)
    • The number of clouds generated by Cloudburst has been reduced on oBG2
    • Other EE fixes from the updated library (primarily from SCS v35+)

Version 5

21 Jul 21:42
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"Wow! Sporty go-cart, Leela! So hip and sexy. Not like you at all."

  • French translation, courtesy of mickabouille
  • IWDification now includes a configuration option in iwdification/iwdspells/iwdspells.ini that allows the player to override IWD spells added by other mods. By default, IWDification will not override IWD spells added by other mods; this ini allows the user to force IWDification to use its version of spells even if they were previously added by other mods.
  • IWDification installs IWD spells in two phases: first it installs a spell, then does some 'postproduction' changes (e.g. accounting for BG2 resources not present in IWD, cosmetic changes to match BG2 aesthetics, &c.). These postproduction changes now explicitly check that a given spell was added by IWDification and not a different mod, as this could potentially generate warnings or prevent installation.
  • Resolved a small incompatibility with the multiclass kit mod
  • In general, IWD included tieflings as extra- or outer-planar creatures in terms of spell effects. We've decided to make the choice to treat tieflings as prime material in origin as this matches better with the game lore.
  • Due to a typo, paladins would play a random string in the feedback window when they received their immunity to fear
  • Spell fixes:
    • Spiritual Wrath was not playing a cosmetic visual due to a typo
    • Song of Kaudies was supposed to protect against Demilich Howl, Moon Dog Howl, and War Cry, but was doing so by trying to copy an effect which may not be present on all games
    • Skeletons created by Soul Eater were supposed to have a randomized melee weapon, but the script was targeting the wrong resource
    • Monster Summoning I could cause crashes if certain animations weren't defined
  • Spell fixes that only apply to oBG2:
    • Animal Rage wasn't working
    • Blood Rage no longer affects enemies, per its description
    • Cloud spells could fail if a needed action (added in ToB) wasn't present, so the mod now adds it explicitly
    • Whirlwind could hit more than once per round
    • Wither isn't supposed to affect golems, undead, or extraplanar creature but this wasn't working due to a missing file
    • Several summoning spells were summoning the wrong HD of creatures when cast at the minimum level

Version 4

10 May 20:11
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"Aye Aye Captain, I mean only one eye, I mean yes sir, um, ma'am."

  • IWD Class Updates: Thief: Evasion was not clearing out the maximum levels for its new effects, meaning it was not working as intended (or at all) in many cases.

Version 3

10 May 13:29
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"Whenever I get lonely, I can look over my shoulder at this disfiguring scar and think of you."

  • Added Spanish translation, courtesy of Gorlod
  • Added IWD Class Updates: Bard: Selectable Bard Songs for Jesters and Skalds component
  • In the Randomized Enemy Equipment, the High Quality Mace was being built from a base flail, and the HQ Flail from a mace. While the HQ weapons would not break, they could still generate broken weapons in the wielder's inventory.
  • Fixed a bug with Randomized Enemy Equipment where creatures could generate multiple copies of their newly-randomized equipment (notably the hobgoblins at the FAI could have multiple copies of their weapons)
  • The kit/class text descriptions for IWD Class Updates: Paladin: IWD Abilities and Skills was correctly adding the new abilities, but was also leaving the outdated text instead of replacing it
  • Resolved a possible conflict between Spell Revisions and IWD Class Updates: Paladin: IWD Abilities and Skills; specifically, IWDification was not correctly updating the duration for the paladin's Protection From Evil ability.
  • Fixes for the Arcane and Divine Spell Packs:
    • Various arcane scrolls were either not being added or only one scroll was being added, specifically: Conjure Water Elemental; Demi-Shadow Monsters; Emotion, Courage; Emotion, Fear; Monster Summoning VI; and Suffocate.
    • Entropy Shield had an offcenter visual effect for casting, which has been fixed
    • Mind Blank correctly blocked petrification effects, but was not blocking the 'Petrification' feedback in the combat log due to a typo
    • Fixed a bug with Expanded Portrait Icons where it would misalign all of the portrait icons
    • Fixed a bug where the Beast Claw icon was offcenter for oBG2 games
    • (Great) Shout and Smashing Waves had a cosmetic bug of duplicate projectile animations on oBG2
    • Fixed bug where spell scrolls added by the spell components were lacking a description image

Version 2

09 Mar 14:50
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"Spirit! Kif, that's the pony I always wanted but my parents said I had too many ponies already."

  • The Use IWD Damage Animations component was not documented in the readme
  • Fixed a bug where some of the new portrait icons added in the spell components were not showing up properly on portraits
  • Lance of Disruption was not working on EE games due to an error in its projectile

Version 1

19 Feb 19:52
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"Fool me seven times, shame on you. Fool me eight or more times, shame on me."

  • Fixed bug where the icon for High-Quality Arrows was off-center. Also fixed bug where the icons for High Quality Longbows and High Quality Composite Longbows were swapped
  • Fixed a rare bug where items added from Randomized Weapons could get duplicated
  • Fixed a number of bugs inherited from imported IWDEE assets--affecting Siren's Yearning bard song; divine spells Animal Rage, Cause Disease, Circle of Bones, Cloudburst, Smashing Wave, and Symbol Hopelessness; and arcane spells Shout and Great Shout. These have also been reported to Beamdog for their inclusion in a future patch.
  • The new Water Elemental spell was summoning Air Elementals; also fixed a few issues with descriptions not getting properly updated
  • Due to timing differences, the new bard songs were lasting just over a round and blocking themselves, effectively making them work every other round
  • Fixed some minor install issues, notably, the install would fail if it deferred to another mod's Monster Summoning spells, and fixed a minor conflict with Angel's Made in heaven mod
  • Better feedback: Shout and Great Shout now add deaf portrait icons to their deafened targets; Darts of Bone will cause 'Ability Score Drained' icon to its strength drain effect; Circle of Bones will use 'Blade Barrier' icon for oBG2; Storm Shell will use 'Protection From The Elements' icon for oBG2
  • Various spells which create magical weapons--Iron Body, Lich Touch, Mordenkainen's Force Blade, Star Metal Cudgel, and Moonblade--had off-center icons in oBG2 games
  • Cleaned up some leftover EE opcodes in spells for oBG2 games.
  • Storm Shell no longer stacks
  • Fixed some big problems with the new portrait icons added in oBG2--namely that some were not getting properly updated; was leaving an EE-style icon description table; and they could be partially rolled back when another spell component was installed after. The last item is not completely fixed, but the oBG2 component has been moved to the end of the mod to make it less likely to happen. Spells which get their own unique icon will no longer show ancillary icons, e.g. Iron Body will only show an Iron Body icon, and not the extra Protection from Poison icon.
  • Righteous Wrath of the Faithful blocks haste for allies of the same alignment, but was not blocking Mazzy's custom haste spell
  • Fixed a bug on oBG2 where the underlying framework left a nonsense script in the override
  • For players using IRR or other mods that use the old-style Shield Amulet, it gets updated to block Mordenkainen's Force Missiles (other versions just cast the Shield spell directly, which was already updated to block MFM)
  • Bard songs should now better update class and kit descriptions for oBG2
  • For BGEE games, tried to be a little more forgiving in determining which druid kits get the revised abilities
  • Fixed a bug where Smashing Wave was not working on EE games
  • Resolved conflicts between Rogue Rebalancing and Garrick: Tales of a Troubadour with the bard song component
  • Bards who receive the new bard songs can now select the Enhanced Bard Song HLA.

Release Candidate 2

30 Sep 17:22
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Release Candidate 2 Pre-release
  • Some general re-organization of the mod components:
    • Everything in the IWD Class Updates group was renamed in a more consistent scheme
    • Added Randomized Enemy Equipment as a component for EE games
    • Split the paladin class updates into separate components, IWD Class Updates: Paladin: IWD Abilities and Skills and IWD Class Updates: Paladin: Use IWD Spell Progression
    • Similarly, the two druid class updates are presented as separate components rather than as a menu
    • Added the IWD Class Updates: Bard: Use IWD Spell Progression and IWD Class Updates: Ranger: Use IWD Spell Progression components. All of the spell progression components are from Tweaks Anthology, and will not cross-install
  • Updated the core converter for the Arcane and Divine Spell Packs and bard songs for IWD Class Updates: Bard. The core converter now also handles the Additional Portrait Icons component. Amongst its improvements:
    • Portrait icons for the new spells were not working on EE installs.
    • Entropy Shield was supposed to block the damage from Flame Strike while allowing the visuals to play, but was instead outright removing the damage from Flame Strike. Evasion also wasn't being applied to the new Flame Strike variants.
    • Whirlwind's stun effect was bypassing magic resistance; Alicorn Lance also had MR issues
    • Removed some redundant cruft from various spells
    • Mold Touch really is fixed now. For real. Seriously.
    • Cloud of Pestilence had some incorrect durations on its immunity effects
    • missile.ids entries are now added alongside projectl.ids entries
    • Suffocate's slow effect could be avoided with free action
    • Summoned lizardmen now have weapons
    • Symbol, Pain's description is now accurate
    • Spiritual Wrath, Smashing Wave, and Lance if Disruption had incomplete projectiles sue to missing animations
    • Incorporated numerous cosmetic suggestions from Galactygon to help the new spells blend in with the existing spells
    • Harm no longer affects extra-planar creatures, bringing it in-line with other Cause X Wounds spells
    • Fixed some oversights in the cross-patching routines (e.g. making sure a new divine spell properly blocks/checks for a new arcane spell)
    • Rather than trying to (incompletely) block individual petrification spells and abilities, Iron Body now makes the user immune to petrification outright
    • Seven Eyes was not accounting for the various BG2 clones of spells it should be protecting from/reacting to, Eye of Fortitude was also requiring a target to cast
    • Fixed a bug that prevented installation on BGEE
    • Fixed a bug that prevented installation on oBG2 when Infinity Animations (specifically the beetle animation) was installed
    • Fixed animation/class/race issues for summons on oBG2
    • Fixed a conflict with One Pixel Productions over Cause X Wounds spells
    • Fixed a conflict with Item Revisions over the Wand of Monster Summoning
  • Thanks to TotoR, Smashing Wave and Wall of Moonlight now work on oBG2. He also provided (further) cosmetic improvements for Shout and Great Shout.
  • Based on feedback from Galactygon, Icewind Dale Casting Graphics now looks a lot better and includes casting sounds
  • The IWD Class Updates: Druid: Use IWD Shapeshifting and Ability Progression component was only being applied to un-kitted druids. The component will now test kits and, if they're also using the base druid abilities, make these changes as appropriate. The upshot being that Avengers now receive the new shapeshifting and abilities.
  • The spell components would fail to install in French; unfortunately these need an updated French translation to work and will now skip

Release Candidate 1

25 Jul 22:59
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Release Candidate 1 Pre-release

Release Candidate 1 is a fairly major revision, incorporating the latest IWDEE spells from 2.6. and adding five new components. The goal is for this series to be short and become the stable v1 of the mod.


  • A major overhaul of the way the Arcane and Divine Spell Packs and bard songs for IWD Class Updates: Bard are handled. Specifically, these are now pulled from the newly updated IWDEE 2.6 release and worked from there. In the future, it should be easier to pull these resources from future IWDEE patches.
  • While spells were sourced from the new 2.6 IWDEE patch, additional issues were addressed for the mod (and submitted to Beamdog and/or BG2 Fixpack, as appropriate): You could indefinitely delay the fatigue effects of Blood Rage by re-casting it
    • Cloudburst now removes Fireshield and will protect from Aura of Flaming Death for its duration
    • Wall of Moonlight could potentially interact with spell protections, unlike other area-of-effect spells
    • Static Charge could be dispelled, but the portrait icon would persist
    • Animal Rage could potentially have multiple checks with spell protections, instead of just the one check when it's cast
    • Mold Touch could potentially leave its target in state 'Diseased' permanently, instead of just during the spell's duration
    • Mass Cause Light Wounds was available to druids (and rangers and shamans) despite none of the other Cause X Wounds spells being available
    • Beltyn's Burning Blood was bypassing magic resistance checks in nearly all situations
    • Emotion, Fear would always remove the effects of Emotion, Courage even when the target resisted via save or magic resistance
    • On a failed save, targets of Great Shout would receive duplicate combat feedback and other effects
    • Lich Touch now uses paralyze, not hold, as its on-hit effect, bringing it inline with other undead attacks
    • Darts of all types set the user's APR to 3, however, the APR boost on Darts of Bone had a save and could fail as a result
    • One of the generic BG2 priest AI scripts (EE and original) could get stuck in a loop when it tried to cast Confusion
    • Cause Disease is an abjuration, but its description still listed it as necromancy
  • Fixed many graphical issues with the spells, namely, that they were too transparent on vanilla BG2 or had black fogs around the new graphics.
  • Renamed the Bard Song component as IWD Class Updates: Bard, as it's now part of a broader series
  • Added new components to bring in IWD class abilities under the names IWD Class Updates: Druid, IWD Class Updates: Paladin, and IWD Class Updates: Thief. A ranger update is similarly planned, but requires a bit of community help for the tracking component.
  • The changes made to the arcane spell Polymorph Self were broken into their own component, Expanded Polymorph Self, instead of being rolled into the Arcane Spell Pack
  • Added Additional Portrait Icons as a separate component for vanilla BG2, since it has the potential to not play nicely with other mods
  • Shout, Great Shout, and Mordenkainen's Force Missiles have been made available in vanilla BG2 as part of the Arcane Spell Pack. IWD's version of Mordenkainern's Sword is added as Mordenkainen's Force Blade instead of replacing the existing BG2 version.
  • Mold Touch is now available available in vanilla BG2 as part of the Divine Spell Pack
  • Spell Revisions has a component where Spell Deflection can now protect against area-of-effect spells, and IWDification now takes this into account when installing new spells.
  • Blood Rage was not really working on vanilla BG2; in an attempt to keep it ally-only it ended up working on pretty much no one instead.
  • Lich Touch now has its saving throws sorted for vanilla BG2
  • Resolved a potential conflict with SCS (and other spell mods) by correcting the internal names of Symbol, Pain and Symbol, Hopelessness
  • Cure Moderate Wounds is now added correctly to temples which offer healing
  • Decastave will crash oBG2 if cast when an offhand weapon or shield is equipped. As such, it's changed to be a one-handed staff weapon, like the staff-mace.

Beta 6, "Who let David mess around with this mod?"

23 May 03:18
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  • Fixes a logic error in the assignment of animations on Enhanced Edition installs (this was preventing Giant Insect from installing, and breaking compatibility with SCS, unless you installed the arcane and divine packs separately).
  • Updates French translation