Turn a static html site into a Shiny R App equipped with a fully customizable JS front-end. Easily join your project to a cloud-based/locally hosted dataset to complete the tasks.
Learn how to draw valuable business insights and visualizations from data. Based on the lesson learn which types of statistics or visualizations can be most valuable. Majority of these sets contain ~1.1M rows!
Knowing how to code in R is kind of important.
Knowing how to code in Javascript would certainly help.
You must have R installed on your hard drive. Use the appropriate mirror based on your equipment/preference. Follow all instructions. Get started here: https://cran.r-project.org/mirrors.html.
It would be a great idea to have RStudio installed on your machine as well. Follow all of the steps here: https://rstudio.com/products/rstudio/download/#download
You must make sure all of your app.R dependencies are loaded.
Follow the basic lesson plans, and enjoy📈!
$ npm install -g salesly
--version print salesly version and exit
If you have an issue feel free to throw it in - https://github.com/Gilb03/salesly/issues