This version adds the following features (compared to dev_1_0_1)
- adde tap feedback: screen blinks and motor vibrates
- added option (default is true) to power M5Core2 via 5V rail (typical scenario for intended purse: to mount the unit in 55mm frame with small PSU at the back of M5 Bottom base or proto pcb (corner holes exactly match the bolts from plastic electrical box/cans in Europe - at least those used for drywalls). Default option can be changed in config.json with "powerFrom5vRailNotUsb": false,
binaries can be loaded with or without overwriting the spiffs partition in the following way. Caution: the ./homepoint_m5stackcore2_full_dev_1_0_2.bin binary will overwrite the whole device.
$ cat ./
sudo esptool -b 921600 write_flash -fs 4MB -fm dout -z 0x0 ./homepoint_m5stackcore2_full_dev_1_0_2.bin
minicom -b 115200 -D /dev/ttyUSB0
$ cat ./
sudo esptool -b 921600 write_flash -fs 4MB -fm dout -z 0x10000 ./homepoint_dev_1_0_2.bin
minicom -b 115200 -D /dev/ttyUSB0