Elastic 2025.0.1
Reefscape Field Image
Name says it all, added the field image for Reefscape. The original image is available here.
Text Display Warnings
When typing in a text display, it will highlight red whenever the text typed in the box does not match what is published on Network Tables.
Windows Build Fixes
Just before kickoff, an issue was identified where some of the required Windows runtime libraries were not present, causing Elastic to not run on a fresh installation on Windows. We believe this has had no effect on any teams, and in the full year Elastic has been published in FRC, there have been no reports of this causing any issues.
Regardless though, all releases of Elastic will include the required runtime libraries, to prevent any future issues. Special thanks to @ThadHouse for his help on this.
Bug Fixes
- Freshly opened layouts will allow you to interact with widgets in list layouts
Full Changelog
- Text Display Improvements by @Gold872 in #175
- Fix missing dlls on windows build by @Gold872 in #178
- Fix text display showing error when value updates by @Gold872 in #179
- Fix initial enabled state for list layouts by @Gold872 in #180
- Reefscape Field Images by @Gold872 in #181
- Update version to 2025.0.1 by @Gold872 in #182