Docker Debian image with Oracle JDK 11.0.1 (247MB)
You must accept the Oracle Binary Code License Agreement for Java SE to use this image.
Image have docker USER named app so you can use it for your application. Just add code below in your Dockerfile
USER app
Check example folder for Dockerfile example of image usage.
Image contains cleaned Oracle JDK 11.0.1. JDK is provided without desktop, sources and other unnecessary stuff except JVM and javac. Some tags have mission control included as well (check image section below). Image have all JVM parts to run and compile Java applications in Docker containers.
If you encountered such errors when starting applications
java: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBC_2.2.5' not found (required by /opt/java/jdk-11.0.1/bin/../lib/jli/
java: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBC_2.2.5' not found (required by /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
Then use SID image tag.
- Uses base image Debian Stretch Slim (55.3MB)
- Image size with JDK (247MB)
FROM goodforgod/debian-jdk11-oracle
- Uses base image Debian Sid Slim (63.3MB)
- Image size with JDK (266MB)
FROM goodforgod/debian-jdk11-oracle:sid
Image have docker USER named app so you can use it for your application.
Just add code below in your Dockerfile to use start your application as a user app
USER app
Check example folder for Dockerfile example of image usage.