Liquibase ClickHouse module for migration.
Supported operations:
(with provided SQL script)tag
implementation "io.goodforgod:liquibase-clickhouse:0.8.0"
Supported Liquibase version 4.29.0+
Supported driver version 0.7.0+
implementation "com.clickhouse:clickhouse-jdbc:0.7.0"
implementation("com.clickhouse:clickhouse-http-client") { version { strictly "0.7.0" } }
The cluster mode can be activated by adding the liquibaseClickhouse.conf
file to the classpath (liquibase/lib/).
cluster {
In this mode, liquibase will create its own tables as replicated. All changes in these files will be replicated on the entire cluster. Your updates should also affect the entire cluster either by using ON CLUSTER clause, or by using replicated tables.
Based on MEDIARITHMICS/liquibase-clickhouse
This project licensed under the Apache License 2.0 - see the LICENSE file for details.