PhD Student
York University,
Fall 2021
Topic: Heat transfer generative design.
Goal: Create a heat sink with a generative design.
Why: to give the best shape to the heat sink.
How? : Using Space colonization algorithm I create a tree shape. I export the shape in 3D.
I do a heat simulation with SolidWorks to analyze the shape designed with the algorithm.
This repository contains the space colonization algorithm.
I based my work on an existing code.
The source is provided in the Credit section.
I made modifications to the code to export it.
Processing : https://processing.org/
Meshmixer: https://www.meshmixer.com/
SolidWorks: https://www.solidworks.com/
obj export: nervoussytem library (https://n-e-r-v-o-u-s.com/tools/obj/).
Camera: peasycam library (https://mrfeinberg.com/peasycam/).
To run the code install Processing software.
Then add the two libraries: nervousytem and peasycam.
The trees parameters are located at the top of each script.
Modify them as you want to get the tree you need.
When your tree is displayed press on your keybors "s" touch to save it as an .obj on your directory.
I want to export the tree generated as an STL but I can't.
I cheated using boxes but I have problem with the STL file to modify it.
Coding Rainbow,
Daniel Shiffman
Code for: https://youtu.be/JcopTKXt8L8