View the CalenGrow React App here!
Calengrow is a seed scheduling app to help gardeners plan and organize their garden starters. Users are able to sign up with an email, nickname, zipcode and password. From their zipcode, they are given an account that shows then their last frost date and hardiness zone. They are then able to add seeds to their personal catalogue, then a schedule is generated based on the seeds they have and their last frost date. A use is able to update their account at anytime to update their zipcode which will inturn update their planting schedule.
- Gain competency with React Context API and Hooks
- Create a multi-page UX using Router V6
- Learn Keyframes
- Make responsive app for desktop and mobile
- Implement Cypress end to end testing
- Build a functional app without using class components
- Use user tokens to update and render specified user information
Create an account:
As a user I am able to create an account
Login and out:
As a user I am able login and out with my account information
Update account:
When I update my account my details are updated as well.
Add seeds to catalogue:
As a user I can add seeds to my catalogue.
Search user catalogue for seed details:
As a user I can search through my catalogue and view seed details.
View schedule and mark seeds as planted:
As a user I am able to view my schedule and mark my seeds as planted.
Error handling:
If an error occurs as a user I am notified with a modal, upon pressing 'go home' I am taken to the home page.
- Learing key frames for the first time was fun but time consuming
- Building this whole app in 5 days
- Add functionality for users to remove seeds from their catalogue.
- Allow users to change their password.
- Tell a user if they are trying to add a seed they already have.
built by Evan Wheeler