RT_v1 by vmazurok (Valentine Mazurok)
Third Project of Computer Graphic branch in UNIT Factory. The goal was to create Ray Tracing program with configuration file, what include the scene, using just pure C and SDL Framework for visualization. Scene also have position and direction of camera, and two tipes of lightlight - point and linear
How to use
In MAC OS, open the folder in terminal, type make
then execute the binary RTv1
with scene by first parameter.
Executable binary also included in repo.
All scenes are based in "scenes" folder.
Сonfiguration file specification
dir - vector of camera direction
cen - point of camera origin
type (point, direct)
cen - origin of light / dir - direction of light (based on type)
col - color of light
int - light intensity
rad - radius (for cylinder and sphere)
nor - normal (for plane)
ang - angle of cone (in degree)
dir - direction of cone and cylinder
Visualization includes bling-phong shading scheme and multispot lighting.