Multipurpose tool for TrackMania 1.0
TMStuff allows for direct access to the GameBox internals inside TrackMania 1.0.
It functions as a ImGui overlay.
- Nod browser
- Modify values
- Create nods
- Load/Save Gbx files
- Custom ImGui styles
A StarForce patched version of TrackMania 1.0 is required, specifically patch by iMMERSION. This tool will not work on any other executable.
The compiled TMStuff DLL needs to be injected into TrackMania.exe during runtime using a third party tool, like Cheat Engine.
Alternatively it is possible to modify TrackMania.exe import table and add the TMStuff DLL,
or modify the TrackMania.exe bytecode to call LoadLibraryA()
When running TMStuff for the first time, a menu bar should be visible at the top of the screen.
You can toggle the ImGui overlay by pressing the F3 key.
To open the main TrackMania nod window, click on Windows
->TrackMania Nod
To open a new dynamic nod window, click on Windows
->New Window
Inside the custom window, you can input memory address of a desired nod and click Lookup
to see the nod contents.
You can copy address of a nod by clicking on a Copy
button next to a nod item inside the browser.
- GCC Compiler (32-bit, this is important!)
- DirectX 9 SDK
- Lua support (probably only simple scripts, a whole plugin infrastructure is too much for now)
- Support for other games, like TMPU, TMSU, TMSDB1 (no games that still have online servers and TMX support)