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This script file is a command-based calculator that approximately calculates how much laundry detergent you need to wash your clothes properly.
It's based on what kind of laundry detergent you use, how much space the clothes occupy in the washing drum, how much dirt there is in the clothes, and how "hard" the water is. (Hardness being how much minerals there are in the water supply including calcium and so on; it can vary from time to time and from location to location.)
First, you need to download and install Ruby on your system.
Next, download or clone this repository, and open a terminal. Navigate to the repository directory and type in
ruby detergo.rb
If you do this correctly and Ruby has been configured properly, you should see a logo made up of independent terminal characters. From there, you can then use the tool to figure out how much laundry detergent you need for your load by using your keyboard.
In this small project, there is one kind for a pod detergent (based on Tide PODS), one for liquid (based on Arm & Hammer Essentials), and one for powder (based on Tide Powder).
This is also a beginner project, as this is my first project written completely in Ruby.
Some inspiration has been drawn from the following pages:
I also had inspiration into this project from a bottle of Arm & Hammer Essentials laundry detergent.
NOTE: This project / repository is licensed under the MIT License. Please review the LICENSE file in this repo for details.
Please leave some comments / questions here! This is truly open-source, so take this project and make extensions as you like!