This project was graded 125/100.
This project is all about writing down a useful set of functions to later on be used on future projects. All the code was implemented by me and based on the version of the subject available from the moment of the kickoff here in Porto, 9th April 2024.
Part / Total Functions | Function Name | Implemented |
Mandatory (I) / 23 | ft_atoi | ✅ |
ft_bzero | ✅ | |
ft_calloc | ✅ | |
ft_isalnum | ✅ | |
ft_isalpha | ✅ | |
ft_isascii | ✅ | |
ft_isdigit | ✅ | |
ft_isprint | ✅ | |
ft_memchr | ✅ | |
ft_memcmp | ✅ | |
ft_memcpy | ✅ | |
ft_memmove | ✅ | |
ft_memset | ✅ | |
ft_strchr | ✅ | |
ft_strdup | ✅ | |
ft_strlcat | ✅ | |
ft_strlcpy | ✅ | |
ft_strlen | ✅ | |
ft_strncmp | ✅ | |
ft_strnstr | ✅ | |
ft_strrchr | ✅ | |
ft_tolower | ✅ | |
ft_toupper | ✅ | |
Mandatory (II) / 11 | ft_itoa | ✅ |
ft_putchar_fd | ✅ | |
ft_putendl_fd | ✅ | |
ft_putnbr_fd | ✅ | |
ft_putstr_fd | ✅ | |
ft_split | ✅ | |
ft_striteri | ✅ | |
ft_strjoin | ✅ | |
ft_strmapi | ✅ | |
ft_strtrim | ✅ | |
ft_substr | ✅ | |
Bonus Part / 9 | ft_lstadd_back | ✅ |
ft_lstadd_front | ✅ | |
ft_lstclear | ✅ | |
ft_lstdelone | ✅ | |
ft_lstiter | ✅ | |
ft_lstlast | ✅ | |
ft_lstmap | ✅ | |
ft_lstnew | ✅ | |
ft_lstsize | ✅ |