Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.1.0
- Added TimeMode setting, changing what is displayed in the time (the time in a level, game session or even the IRL current time)
- Added parameters to placeholders (currently not really any placeholder uses this)
- Added custom small icon tooltips for fusion gamemodes (when hovering over the gamemode icon, it will show more details about the current gamemode!)
- Added an option to remove level numbers (remove for example '15 - ' from '15 - Void G114')
- Added a setting to entirely disable joins
- 'AllowPlayersToInvite' setting only affects private lobbies now
- The minimum for the refresh delay is 0.1 seconds, setting it lower with the 'RefreshDelay' setting will not be applied
- The config will be now checked for too long text, if found, the config will not be applied and an error will be shown in console/logs
- Fixed joining not working for people that aren't a host
- Fixed joining servers without a Matchmaker not working (network layers that were impacted: Riptide)