Simple bluetooth tracker implemented using Python 3
This is just a demo to raise awareness on the dangers of having periocal-beaconing devices such as current wearable fitness tracker.
They can be easily used to track us.
The program tracks the presence of a target device identified by a unique address (MAC address in the case of Bluetooth)
The program uses dependency injection
- pip install -r requirements (use pip v10 or newer)
- Connect HM-10 to a serial using for example a xbee explorer (gnd, vcc, tx and rx)
- Make sure AT+ROLE and and AT+IMME are set to 1 in HM-10 (central bluetooth role)
Modify config inside
- Serial com where bluetooth is connected, baudrate, etc
Run tracker: py
Run server : py
Go to: localhost:8066/key
The demo uses a TinySine bluetooth module (HM-10) to periodically scan for nearby devicies in order to detect the target device and log its presence
- dependency_injector
- pyserial
No need to clarify anything. The title says it all