<<<<<<< HEAD 🛡☕ CyberTea
An AI-powered community platform providing:
📰 Cybersecurity news aggregation
🎙️ Narration
📊 Real-time incident display dashboard
🛡☕ CyberTea
An AI-powered community platform providing:
📰 Cybersecurity news aggregation 🎙️ Narration 📊 Real-time incident display dashboard
👨🏾💻 Author: Akeem Ajibare 💻 Language: Python 🌐 Framework: Django
73248e7 ( css:chaged to royal purple, no ai, no community, no display, read me update)
🚀 How to Run
git clone
cd project-directory
python -m venv projectenv
source projectenv/bin/activate
##Please Note Openai==0.28 alone works for the program, so do not upgrade
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install python-dotenv create .env file in root directory (where you have manage.py ) put your secret key there import and load the secret key in settings.py
python manage.py makemigrations cybertea_app python manage.py migrate
python manage.py runserver