Releases: HaraldKi/kafka-watcher
Compiled against Kafka 0.10
Improved handling when Kafka offline
Implemented #4 and #5
Proper thread safe use of KafkaConsumer
Fix release for an NPE
Fixes an NPE when initially reading __consumer_offsets.
Group state kept internally
Previously a request for the group state rewound the offsets in __consumer_offsets by an arbitrary number of records and started reading from there, putting together the current state of consumer groups. Now a consumer continuously polls __consumer_offsets and always has the most recent state in memory. In addition, group members are now decoded. Further, groups and offsets are shown in separate tables.
Better groups metadata handling
Improved handling and display of the consumer groups metadata.
Back to Java 1.7 compatibility
Moved back to Java 7. Have sites that cannot yet upgrade to Java 8.
Rudimentary but working
This is still compiled against the 0.9.0 kafka client library. It works with brokers of 0.10.0 too, but does not show extended information like time stamps in messages.