If the line starts with #, you must execute this command as root, if with $, then as the created user.
- Format the partitions
- Install basic system
- Chroot to installed linux
- Create a user
- Clone the repository to the created user's home directory (you can use any other path and folder name, but in the example we will use the default name and home directory)
$ git clone https://github.com/HardDie/My_linux_settings ~/My_linux_settings --recursive
- Install stow
Change directory to ~/My_linux_settings
$ cd ~/My_linux_settings
Creating symbolic links for all configuration files. After running this command you should see many symbolic links in the home directory and in the .config directory
$ ./makelinks.sh
Change directory to ~/.my_scripts
$ cd ~/.my_scripts
To configure your newly installed linux, run the first_setup.sh script. It will do the setup:
- locale
- timezone
- hostname
- multilibs for pacman
- switch pacman to color mode
- font for the vconsole
# ./first_setup.sh
Install the yay app
$ ./install_yay.sh
Install the necessary applications for the sway environment
$ ./check_sway.sh
The last thing you must do is to compile some applications:
- application for drawing information blocks in the status bar ( C )
- applications to keep track of an independent keyboard layout for each application on the system ( go )
$ cd ~/.my_scripts/.data/binary
$ make
If you don't have your own image for the wallpaper, you can use the default wallpaper.
$ mkdir ~/.wallpapers
$ cp /usr/share/backgrounds/sway/Sway_Wallpaper_Blue_1920x1080.png ~/.wallpapers/wallpaper.png
Or if you have a different screen size, you can see a list of all available wallpapers
$ yay -Ql sway | grep '.png'
Currently swaybar has one problem, the path to the startup script must be full, the relative path does not work. You must change the path in ~/.config/sway/config in the bar section to your username. This section looks like this:
bar {
swaybar_command /home/harddie/.config/sway/start_waybar.sh