Set of two contracts : Collectibles and exchange.Sale is organized in two transactions:
- owner approves exchange and fixes a price he wants to sell an NFT for in the listing process.
- One willing to buy a particular NFT need to pay pre-agreed price that was entered by the owner.and then Exchange, who is an operator for particular NFT, transfers NFT to Buyer's addresss.If anything mismatches then contract reverts.
- clone this repo
- rails db:migrate
- npm install
- bundle install
- and Start the rails Server
rails s
metamask login :-
main page :-
Mint Nft :-
explore your Minted NFT in Explore Section where you can sell your Nft :-
list your Nft to sale it :-
give permission approval of token to the exchange's contract Address :-
your Nfts are listed in sale, other addresses are able to buy your Nfts Now :-
let's sign in from another account & buy that token id_15 :-
lets buyyyy this token_15 in that pre-defined price :-
can able to track the transactions via etherscan :-
here seller received his Nfts's amount, & that specific Nft are transfered to your address