This project extends NotebookLM by converting textual queries into engaging video podcasts with talking male and female avatars for input. By integrating advanced AI technologies such as speaker MP3 audio files to submit and video generation, the platform enhances NotebookLM’s capabilities, adding a visual dimension to information sharing. A website hosts this using frontend (JS, CSS, HTML) and backend (MongoDB Atlas, Python Flask).
Download Python flask and download mp3 audio files with the support of Google Notebook
Open localhost python with support of MongoDB
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No license
Input text or audio queries Upload images of speakers Generate personalized video podcasts with AI-generated talking avatars Supports up to 14 languages the agile methodology used to update this project with more languages and longer video duration
Input text or audio queries Upload images of speakers Generate personalized video podcasts with AI-generated talking avatars Supports up to 14 languages the agile methodology used to update this project with more languages and longer video duration Award: This project won me a sponsored track, "Best use of Notebook LM," to win prizes at DivHacks at Columbia University.
Fork repo and make a pull request with your changes
Make tests folder and run npm run tests