composer require havenstd06/laravel-plex
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Havenstd06\LaravelPlex\Providers\PlexServiceProvider"
After publishing the assets, add the following to your .env files .
# Plex API
The configuration file plex.php is located in the config folder. Following are its contents when published:
return [
'server_url' => env('PLEX_SERVER_URL', ''), // Plex Server URL (ex: http://[IP address]:32400)
'token' => env('PLEX_TOKEN', ''),
'client_identifier' => env('PLEX_CLIENT_IDENTIFIER', ''), // (UUID, serial number, or other number unique per device)
'product' => env('PLEX_PRODUCT', 'havenstd06/laravel-plex'), // (Plex application name, eg Laika, Plex Media Server, Media Link)
'version' => env('PLEX_VERSION', '1.0.0'), // (Plex application version number)
'validate_ssl' => env('PLEX_VALIDATE_SSL', true), // Validate SSL when creating api client.
use Havenstd06\LaravelPlex\Services\Plex as PlexClient;
$provider = new PlexClient;
You can override Plex API configuration by calling setApiCredentials method:
$config = [
'server_url' => '',
'token' => 'your-token',
'client_identifier' => 'your-client-identifier',
'product' => 'your-product',
'version' => 'your-version',
'validate_ssl' => true,
Sign In to return Plex user data (included token).
$data = [
'auth' => [
'username/email', // Required
'password', // Required
'headers' => [
// Headers:
// X-Plex-Client-Identifier is already defined in default config file
// The second parameter allows you to choose if you want to
// authenticate with the token registered in the config
$plexUser = $provider->signIn($data, false);
$token = $plexUser['user']['authToken'];
Get server accounts details.
Get account information
Get Plex.TV account information.
List all home users, including guests (Users & Sharing in UI)
Validate username or email
$provider->validateUser('username | email');
Get shares friends list.
Invite a friend.
If you don't pass an array with the library ids ($librarySectionIds
), all the libraries of the server will be taken.
Settings are optional too.
use Havenstd06\LaravelPlex\Classes\FriendRestrictionsSettings;
$librarySectionIds = [
$settings = new FriendRestrictionsSettings(
allowChannels: '1',
allowSubtitleAdmin: '1',
allowSync: '0',
allowTuners: '0',
filterMovies: '',
filterMusic: '',
filterTelevision: '',
$provider->inviteFriend('', $librarySectionIds, $settings);
Cancel invitation.
Get pending invitations list.
Remove friend.
$provider->removeFriend(12345678); // Friend ID / InvitedID
Get friends details
$provider->getFriendDetail(12345678); // Friend ID / InvitedID
Update friend restrictions
use Havenstd06\LaravelPlex\Classes\FriendRestrictionsSettings;
$settings = new FriendRestrictionsSettings(
allowChannels: '1',
allowSubtitleAdmin: '1',
allowSync: '0',
allowTuners: '0',
filterMovies: '',
filterMusic: '',
filterTelevision: '',
$provider->updateFriendRestrictions(12345678, $settings); // Friend ID / InvitedID
Update friend libraries
$librarySectionIds = [
$provider->updateFriendLibraries(12345678, $librarySectionIds); // Friend ID / InvitedID
Get the local List of servers.
Get servers detail (contain libraries ids)
$provider->getServerDetail($machineIdentifier); // optional argument
Get server identity details
Gets a list of servers and their sections. Limited to servers that have remote access enabled. The second parameter is for include lite.
Get server capabilities details. Transcode bitrate info, server info.
Gets the server preferences.
General plex system information.
Agents available (and some of their configuration)
This will search in the database for the string provided.
This will retrieve the "Now Playing" Information of the PMS.
Retrieves a listing of all history views.
Gets a list of available clients and servers.
Get servers devices details.
Gets a list of servers, devices and their sections
This will search in the library for the string provided. The second parameter is the limit.
$provider->searchLibrary('Avengers', 10);
Show ondeck list
Contains all of the sections on the PMS. Confusingly, Plex's UI calls a section a library: e.g. "TV shows" or "Movies". This acts as a directory and you are able to "walk" through it.
Get all data in the library for the section passed in.
Delete a section
Refreshes the library for the section passed in.
Get playlists list.
The key associated with a library.
This key can be found by calling the getPlaylists
The key associated with a library.
This key can be found by calling the getPlaylists
Get photo of specified height and width.
$provider->getPhoto('path', 480, 719);
Ask the server whether it can provide the video with/without transcoding (based on the client profile).
$provider->getVideo('path', 'http');
Marks item with the corresponding "rating key" as watched.
$provider->scrobble('item rating key');
Marks item with the corresponding "rating key" as unwatched.
$provider->unscrobble('item rating key');
Marks media item with the corresponding "rating key" as partially watched, populating its "viewOffset" field.
Time is in milliseconds.
$provider->progress('item rating key', 'offset');
Get Translations for example: fr
Pull requests are welcome.
For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.