A free-of-charge self hosted Telegram Hackintosh bot
- Python 3
- python-telegram-bot library (read instructions under)
python-telegram-bot library [ESSENTIAL]:
- Open a terminal in your PC/Server
- Type this command (it's different for every OS):
MacOS: python3 -m pip install python-telegram-bot (if perms errors try: python3 -m pip install --user python-telegram-bot )
Windows: pip install python-telegram-bot
Linux: python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip python3 -m pip install python-telegram-bot
(if errors, try: sudo apt update sudo apt install python3-dev build-essential )
(if still errors try: python -m pip install --upgrade pip )
How to use?
- Go to Telegram and look for BotFather, and use the command /newbot, and choose a name for your bot, then copy the token and insert it into the main.py TOKEN variable as a string, and your bot @ into BOT_USERNAME.
- Start the program
- Look for the name of your new bot and chat with him
- Have fun! (list of commands in /help)
Please keep the /creator command pointing at me.
(Violation of this rule will cause a segnalation)