Assessing Time-Varying Causal Effect Moderation in the Presence of Cluster-Level Treatment Effect Heterogeneity
The directories above correspond to the simulation and case study in the paper Assessing Time-Varying Causal Effect Moderation in the Presence of Cluster-Level Treatment Effect Heterogeneity. Results for each scenario are generated by the following R files.
File | Description |
Scenario 1 | The first scenario concerns the estimation when an importantindividual-level moderator exists and proximal outcomes share a random cluster-level intercept term that does not interact with treatment. |
Scenario 2 | The second scenario extends the above generative model to includea random cluster-level intercept term that interacts with treatment. |
Scenario 3 | The third scenario assumes the treatment effect for an individualdepends on the average state of all individuals in the cluster. |
Scenario 4 | The fourth scenario considers the indirect effect. |
Case Study | This folder contains all the code for generating both the direct and indirect effect estimates using the Intern Health Study. |