Scrolling Tab Bar Component.
A Sample XCode Project for iOS. Runs on iOS 5.1 or higher
Inspired by idev-recipes CustomTabBar
Scrolling Tab Bar Licensed under MIT License
- Fully skinnable
- Has optional scroll indicators and bumbers.
- can be used to switch between View Controllers or to call a Selector.
- As long as all tabs fit in the screen width, it behaves like the original iOS Tab Bar.
just copy the "ScrollingTabBar" folder into your project and add the files inside to your project.
// inits a tab bar for 5 tabs
self.tabBar = [[ScrollingTabBar alloc] initWithItemCount:5 delegate: nil];
// adds a tab item with a UIViewController
// label can be nil
[tabBar addTabBarItemWithLabel: @"Home"
normalIcon: @"Data/ico/TabBarItemHomeN.png"
activeIcon: @"Data/ico/TabBarItemHomeA.png"
viewController: yourUIViewController
// adds a tab item with a selector and target and without a label
[tabBar addTabBarItemWithLabel: nil
normalIcon: @"Data/ico/TabBarItemLangDE.png"
selector: @selector(yourSelector)
selectorTarget: yourTarget
// disables/enables a tab item at the given index
[tabBar enableTab:NO atIndex:0];
// preselect a tab item
[tabBar selectTabAtIndex:0];
// changes the background tint
tabBar.backgroundColor = [UIColor blackColor]
Contains psd files for the icons/images this component uses. Some of these icons are based on WPZOOM Developer Icon Set.