_____ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ __ _____
/ ____| | (_) | (_) | | \/ | \/ | __ \
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____) | (_) | | | (_| | | |_| |_| | | | | | | | | | \ \
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__/ |
- yarn
- Node.js
- Solidity compiler (solc)
- Foundry
Note: this library can be directly inlined in your contracts and doesn't need to be deployed separately as all functions visibility are internal pure.
yarn install
forge build
FOUNDRY_FUZZ_RUNS=10 forge test
interface MMRTree {
function append(bytes32 element) external;
function multiAppend(bytes32[] memory elements) external;
function getRootHash() external view returns (bytes32);
function getElementsCount() external view returns (uint);
function verifyProof(
uint index,
bytes32 value,
bytes32[] memory proof,
bytes32[] memory peaks,
uint elementsCount,
bytes32 root
) external view;
contract MMRExample {
MMR public mmr;
constructor() {
mmr = new MMR();
// Append a single element
bytes32[] memory elementsToAppend = new bytes32[](3);
elementsToAppend[0] = keccak256(abi.encode(bytes32(uint(2))));
elementsToAppend[1] = keccak256(abi.encode(bytes32(uint(3))));
elementsToAppend[2] = keccak256(abi.encode(bytes32(uint(4))));
// Append multiple elements
// Get the root hash
bytes32 rootHash = mmr.getRootHash();
// Get the number of nodes (i.e., tree size)
uint elementsCount = mmr.getElementsCount();
// ...
// Verify an inclusion proof generated off-chain
function verifyProof(
uint index,
bytes32 value,
bytes32[] memory proof,
bytes32[] memory peaks,
uint elementsCount,
bytes32 root
) public view {
mmr.verifyProof(index, value, proof, peaks, elementsCount, root);
In order to generate a proof, the easiest way is to keep track of the MMR state off-chain and generate a proof when needed.
The following example shows how to generate a compatible proof in TypeScript:
const { utils, BigNumber } = require("ethers"); // Use ethers@5.2.7
const { default: CoreMMR } = require("@herodotus_dev/mmr-core");
const { KeccakHasher } = require("@herodotus_dev/mmr-hashes");
const { default: MMRInMemoryStore } = require("@herodotus_dev/mmr-memory"); // @herodotus_dev/mmr-rocksdb also available
async function main() {
const store = new MMRInMemoryStore();
const hasher = new KeccakHasher();
const encoder = new utils.AbiCoder();
const mmr = new CoreMMR(store, hasher);
await mmr.append("1");
await mmr.append("2");
const { leafIndex } = await mmr.append("3");
const peaks = await mmr.getPeaks();
await mmr.append("4");
// Generate an inclusion proof of the third element
const proof = await mmr.getProof(leafIndex);
const solidityVerifyProof = {
index: leafIndex.toString(),
value: numberStringToBytes32("3").toString(),
proof: proof.siblingsHashes,
pos: result.elementsCount.toString(),
rootHash: result.rootHash,
// {
// index: '4',
// value: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003',
// proof: [
// '0x04cde762ef08b6b6c5ded8e8c4c0b3f4e5c9ad7342c88fcc93681b4588b73f05',
// '0xf11f11f59e71ab2021e5d939a15985d1b329a7515384f5f0b33fe39db58f5bf6'
// ],
// peaks: [
// '0xf11f11f59e71ab2021e5d939a15985d1b329a7515384f5f0b33fe39db58f5bf6',
// '0x83ec6a1f0257b830b5e016457c9cf1435391bf56cc98f369a58a54fe93772465'
// ],
// pos: '4',
// rootHash: '0x9cf52726b5c1f29825fa3757402809afeb76f510e83e95559d9a5504a243b373'
// }
// Encode `solidityVerifyProof` as calldata to then call verifyProof function in the contract.
// Verifying a proof does _not_ cost gas (view function), so it can also be done off-chain.
// You can take a look at `./helpers/off-chain-mmr.js` for a full example.
// ...
const numberStringToBytes32 = (numberAsString) =>
utils.hexZeroPad(BigNumber.from(numberAsString).toHexString(), 32);
Herodotus Dev Ltd - 2023