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My bachelor thesis deals with a framework to implementation Vision Transformers in C++. This project contains an implementation of all the necessary components as well as a full ViT model and many scripts to automate the benchmarking and comparison process. You will see code in C++, C++ parallelized with OMP and Python.

Files in this repository

In this repository you will find the following files and folders:

  • include/: the folder containing the headers for C++.
    • attention.h: defines the multi head attention component.
    • block.h: defines the attention encoder block.
    • conv2d.h: defines the convolution component.
    • datatypes.h: defines the datatypes use in this project. They are RowVector, Matrix, Tensor PictureBatch and PredictionBatch.
    • mlp.h: defines the Multi Layer Perceptron component.
    • modules.h: defines other basic components, namely Linear, LayerNorm, LayerScale, Activation. It also includes ReLU, GELU and global_pool_nlc functions.
    • patch_embed.h: defines the PatchEmbed component, the one responsible of image tokenization.
    • utils.h: declares input/output functions.
    • vision_transformer.h: defines VisionTransformer, the wrapper class that will be used as the model.
  • src/: the folder with the C++ source codes.
    • main.cpp: the file containing the main function. It instantiate VisionTransformer class, performs the forward operation and measures the time it takes.
    • All the other files are the implementation of the header with the same name.
  • omp_src/: the folder with the C++ codes parallelized with OpenMP.
    • attention.cpp: parallelizes the multi_head_attention function.
    • conv2d.cpp: parallelizes the forward pass of the convolution.
    • datatypes.cpp: parallelizes the basic datatype operations such as sum, construction and padding.
    • modules.cpp: parallelizes the matrix product in Linear, the forward pass of LayerNorm and the element access in LayerScale and Activation.
    • vision_transformer.cpp: parallelizes the position_embed phase of the model.
  • test_src/: this folder contains the files to test that each C++ component provides the same result of the python implementation. The name of the files indicates which element it refers to.
  • scripts/: contains some python functions useful in testing and benchmarking.
    • it loads a .csv file containing the time measures and extracts some statistics from it.
    • given two prediction files, it checks whether they're values are similar (meaning their difference is below a given threshold). Useful to ensore two models produce the same output.
    • creates a torch tensor of the given shape.
    • creates a random PictureBatch, in a .cpic file.
    • the comparison files created by can be quite dispersive, this script cumulates their information.
  • timm_train_vit/: contains the python implementation and test files.
    • timm/: this folder has been given me by the FBK. It contais the actual implementation of a ViT in python.
    • this file was made by FBK as well, and can be used to train the model.
    • it's the equivalent of C++ main, as it instantiates the model, call it's foreward method and measures the time.
    • converts the .pt model storage format used by python into the .cvit format I used for the C++ code.
    • creates a ViT model, and stores its parameters in a .cvit file for C++ as well as a .pt file for python.
    • this file contains the function I created to make python model similar to the C++. plot_tensor guarantee the models plot information the same way, while the PredictionBatch class gives the two models the same output format. The rest of the files contains input-output functions that allow python to read the format I designed for C++.
    • given a model parameter file, this script extract the most important information from it. With it you can easily understand what kind of input your model needs.
    • All the files that begin with test_ are meant to be used in collaboration with C++ test sources. see the "How to run the tests" section below.
  • a bash script that exports the variables used by other scripts.
  • this scripts compiles the C++ and OMP programs in their respective binary folders.
  • runs many times the script to create a random dataset.
  • it's a bash wrapper for the python function
  • executes the benchmark of the C++ code see the "How to run the benchmark" section below.
  • executes the benchmark of the OMP code see the "How to run the benchmark" section below.
  • executes the benchmark of the python code see the "How to run the benchmark" section below.
  • runs the necessary python scripts to analyzed the data produced by the benchmark and puts the results in the logs/ folder.
  • Makefile: the makefile that contains the recipes to compile the source codes.

The execution of the programs will lead to the creation and filling of the following folders:

  • obj/: intermediate folder containing object files for C++ code.
  • bin/: the folder that contains the C++ executable.
  • omp_obj/: intermediate folder containing object files for OMP code.
  • omp_bin/: the folder that contains the OMP executable.
  • test_obj/: intermediate folder containing object files of the test codes.
  • test_bin/: the folder that contains the executables of the test codes.
  • test_files/: the folder that contains the files processed by the test codes.
  • data/: this is the place where the input data will be stored.
  • models/: the ViT model parameters will be stored here.
  • out/: here is where the programs will put their results.
  • measures/: the place where time measurements are stored.
  • out_comparison/: in this folder will be put the comparison files generated by script.
  • logs/: it's the place where you can find the final statistics of the benchmark, regarding the dataset, the model, the times and the outputs.

How to run the tests

The test files in the test_src/ and timm_train_vit/ are meant to show that the C++ and the python code produce the same results. I designed the tests to be executed in two parallel terminals.

In the first terminal, go to the timm_train_vit/ and execute python3 test_<component_name>.py. On the other terminal first compile the C++ code with make test_bin/test_<component_name>.exe, then execute it with ./test_bin/test_<component_name>.exe. You will appreciate the same result in both the terminals, meaning the floating point numbers will differ only in the less significant decimal digits.

Each test files simply instantiate a component, sets its parameters, creates an input and feed it in the forward function. If you wish, you can manually change the inputs and parameters acting in the source codes. The scripts can help you: executing python3 <shape> you will see printed the python code to instantiate a tensor fill with random numbers, and the C++ code to do the same. This ensure the two files will work on exactly the same data.

How to run the benchmark

The benchmark is intended to compare the performance of the different ViT implementation, as well as show that the models produce the same output. The first step is the compilation of C++ and OMP in the bin/ and omp_bin/ respectively. You can do it running bash

Then, run bash to create a random dataset in the data/ folder. You can adjust the dataset creation parameters in the appropriate section of file. Continue running bash it will generate the ViT models and store them in the models/ folder.

The core of the benchmark is represented by bash, bash``bash These scripts execute the respective models, storing their output in the out/ folder and their time measures in the measures/ folder. You can control the number of OMP threads acting on

Finally, execute bash, it will compare each C++ output with the correspondent output of the other two models ensuring that all of them behave the same. Each comparison will be stored in the out_comparison/ folder, but they will also be collapsed in a single file in the logs/ folder. This same script will analyze time measures as well, and the result it gets will again be put in the logs/ folder.

At the end of the benchmark, you will have everything you need in the logs/ folder:

  • dataset_info.txt: Contains the parameters used to create the dataset.
  • model_info.txt: Contains the main attributes of the models used.
  • output_analysis.txt: Here you can find the comparison pf the outputs. Use this file to understand if the models produce the same predictions or behave differently.
  • measures_analysis.txt: This file contains some time statistics for each model. You can use it to understand which model performs better.

When you want to clean the work space, you have two possible commands:

  • make clean: removes the bin folders, the obj folders, out_comparison/ and logs/, but it leaves the dataset and the models untouched. It is used to perform different benchmarks on the same dataset-model pair.
  • make clean_everything: removes all the generated folder, leaving the folder as just cloned. It is used when you also want a new dataset and a new model for your next benchmark.


Alex Pegoraro


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