A demo of a complete tiered application of a croud sourcing idea sharing app
IdeaMan is a web based application where people can share business ideas, get sponsiorship, and investiment in a croud sourcing type of investiment
- As an idea creator I can create my ideas to be voted by community
- As a community user I can Vote in interesting ideas
- As an idea creator I can have my idea being shortlisted to investiment
- As an investor I can Propose to invest in an idea
Is a dotnet core 2.0 web application to manage ideas over the web IdeaManWeb is containarized in a unix container exposing port 80
Is a dotnet core 2.0 web api application to service user interfaces that manage ideaMan functionalities IdeaManAPI is a containarized in a unix container exposing port 80
Is a SQLServer application containing all the persistence needed to store and manage ideas
- Latest dotnet 2.0 installed on your local machine
- latest version of docker-compose
- latest version of docker
- Intenet connection
- git clone this_repo_url
- $>cd ; cd IdeaManager_FE; dotnet restore; docker build -t ideamanager_fe .
- $>cd ; cd IdeaManager_API; dotnet restore; docker build -t ideamanager_api .
- $>cd ; cd IdeaManager_RP; docker build -t ideamanager_rp .
- $>docker-compose up
- Navigate to http://localhost