Surname | First Name | Class | Github user name |
Schoubben | Matthias | G2.C1 | matthiaschoubben |
Bugdayci | Murat | 2A2 | muratbugdayci |
This Github-repository contains all the necessary information you need to prepare and write the paper for the subject Research Methods.
NEVER directly fork this repository, but use the link that you find in the study guide on Chamilo (5. Teaching Methods)
Make sure you take a backup of the contents of this repository before the end of the academic year! At the start of the course next year, all these repositories will be deleted to make room for the new ones!
The exam grade will be entirely based on this paper, making it important to follow the instructions meticulously. During the lessons, you will also get the necessary guidelines to get started with this.
By dividing your work into different phases with specific targets, hopefully you will manage to reach the required targets. Below a short overview of the different phases, each with a link to more specific guidelines.
- Subject choice
- Work environment setup
- Consulting literature
- Literature study
- Methodology
- Paper wrapup
Estimation is two weeks work for each phase. Most work is probably in phase 4. If you plan this beforehand, you will not encounter any surprises at the end of the semester when deadlines need to be met for other assignments or projects!
The directory notes contains a few Markdown files you can use to write down some notes. We added some examples, but feel free to make some new ones.
The directory paper contains the LaTeX source code for the research proposal paper for a bachelor thesis, subject to this assignment. Copy the file 'SurnameFirstnameYearRM.tex' to a new file with your own name and the current year before you start writing in it. Keep the template file because it's full of helpful tips and examples. If you want to insert images into the paper, you can save them in the subdirectory img/
The file references.bib
is a bibliographic database that you can open and edit using JabRef. Use bibla, a BibLaTeX linter, to check your bibliographic references for common errors.
Finally: start writing out your proposal in LaTeX right away and do not prepare it in Word first. This way you will get familiar with it faster and you will have less chance of problems and stress with the conversion from Word to LaTeX right before the final deadline.