This works by contacting Honeywell over the Internet using your Honeywell ID/PW and Thermostat ID. Yes, CLOUD.
- Import or copy both drivers into Driver Code section.
- Create a Virtual Device and select the Honeywell Thermo Parent driver from User section of the drop down. The initial Child will be created.
- Add your Honeywell Username and password to the parent. Then add the Honeywell Device ID to the Child.
- To add a another thermostat, click the Add Thermostat button in the parent and then add a different Honeywell Device ID to the new Child.
If you never setup TCC, then you won't have that info. Browse to:
Create an account if you don't have one, or just login.
The Honeywell Device ID is found as the last 6 or 7 digits on the end of the TCC URL after login.