Releases: I2PC/xmipp - Poseidon
Xmipp Programs
New programs
- tomo_average_subtomos: This method carries out a subtomogram averaging. It means, given a set of subtomogram the program will estimate the average map
- denoising_tv: The program will make denoising using total variation
- tomo_ctf_wiener2d_correction: This method performs a CTF correction of a tilt series
- angular_continuous_assign2_gpu: Make a continuous angular assignment with GPU
- cuda_fourier_projection
- predict_deep_center
Programs updated
- tomogram_reconstruction: averaging with gold standard, tigre with internal interpolation, enviroment of tigre updated
- mpi_subtract_projection / subtract_projection: Improvements on projection subtraction a particle boosting both in MPI and single thread version
Programs fixed
- resolution_directional
- ctf_estimate_from_psd: Bug fix with no defocus
- mpi_subtract_projection / subtract_projection: subtraction a particle boosting both in MPI and single thread version
- volume_halves_restoration_gpu: Fixed failure when using masks
Installation and user guide
- Total new installer based on CMake. More robust and simplified
- New posting of statistics about installations
- Allow re-compilation without internet
- Added next generation of libstdcxx to DLTKv0.3 env to enhance compatibility
- Forcing to compile Xmipp with the libstdc++ availabe in the scipion3 env if exist
More Xmipp
- Added support for reading EER
- Handling .gain files correctly
- Added MADV_HUGEPAGE support check
- Fix for rare axis orderings in MRC/MAP files
- Local average label added (used to measure the intensity of the particles in the original micrographs)
3.24.06 - Oceanus
New programs
- xtomo tigre reconstruction: This program provides a variety of algorithms to reconstruct tomogram from a set of tilt series
- graph_max_cut: split volume program
- tomo_simulate_tilt_series: simualtion of ts, tomograms and coordinates
- Programs updated
- Deep_center: interface simplified, calculate shift for particles
- deep_misalignment_detection: update model
- pdb_label_from_volume:Added CIF format support
- resolution_monotomo: Fast subtomo extraction
- resolution_monotomo: accelarating monotomo with float
- tomogram_reconstruction: tigre reconstruction added
- tomo_extract_subtomograms: solving some bugs and enhancing performance
- tomo_extract_particlestacks: solving some bugs and enhancing performance
Programs fixed
- movie_estimate_gain: Initialize sigma values
- resolution_localfilter: double not integer
- movie_estimate_gain: Initialize sigma values
- project_tomography: internal loop
- pdb: Fixed PDB write function when no categories are present
- fourier_filter:Fix WEDGE option in FourierFilter
- resolution_pdb_bfactor:fix unaccounted column in res bfac pdb
- fourier_filter: Fixing missing cone
Installation and user guide
- Fixed PyXmipp installation
- Update pythorch version on DLTK pyTorch enviroment
- Fix DLTK installation
- Removed force flag on conda installations (new conda version)
More Xmipp
- API for collecting xmipp installation statistics
- Local average added: Now the micrograph scissor annotates the local intensity value around the particles in the original micrographs.
- Added support for half precision float micrographs
- Wipe out memory ouptut in cuFFT
- Deprecated deep_denoising
- Fix for rare axis orderings in MRC/MAP files
- Adding fixed extension to tom
3.23.11 - Nereus
New programs
- local_volume_adjustment: This program modifies a volume in order to adjust its intensity locally to a reference volume
- subtomo_subtraction: New program with mpi version
Programs updated
- tomo_extract_subtomogram: Accept target box size
- convert_from_pdb: Added cif support
- phantom_movies: Adding more options: circle and cross
- angular_neighbourhood: Modified to output the result in the best symmetry group
- batch_deep_misalignment: Detection: GPU option
Programs fixed
- volume_from_pdb: Bug fix in dealing with orig=0, Detection of contrast inverted maps
- tomo_extract_particles: Stack fixes, dose fixes
- image_convert: Fixed issue when providing a metadata file as input
- volume_substraction: Change NaNs generated by a division between 0 by 0s.
3.23.07 - Morpheus
Xmipp Programs
- New programs
- image_peak_high_contrast(for detecting high contrast regions in tomographic reconstruction)
- misaligment_detection (to detect misalignment in tomographic reconstructions from high-contrast regions)
- deep_global_assignment
- deep_center
- Programs updated
- xmipp_angular_distance: new features
- tomo_extract_particles: new features
- subtract_projection: parallelization with mpi
- tomo_extract_subtomograms: allow downsampling of features
- angular_resolution_alignment: Detect misalignment with resolution
- Programs fixed
- align_volume_and_particles: Fixed error
- angular_project_library: Removed deterministic behaviour (mpi)
- volumen_subtraction: fixed bug
- Deprecated programs (For more details visit)
- classify_kmeans_2D
- rotational_spectra
- particle_boxsize
Installation and user guide
- New clearer, more intuitive and informative installer. It also creates a file to facilitate user support.
- Refactored the deep learning toolkit, more robust and new environment with updated tensorflow.
- Updated requirement.
More Xmipp
- Added half precission suport to numpy
- Added the ability to read and write CIF files
- Modular design of winner filter
- Decoupling XmippTomo from XmippSPA
- Fix Zernike equation
- Removed all occurrences of non base-class default destructors
- Improved MultidimArray performance
- Added support for half precision floating point numbers in MRCs
- Assign tiff to gain files
- adding half maps labels
Xmipp Programs
New programs: tomo_confidence_map, tomo_extract_particlestacks, tomo_extract_subtomograms, tomo_tiltseries_dose_filter, psd_estimatator
Deprecated programs (for more details visit the wiki):
angular_distribution_show, apropos
ctf_correct_idr, ctf_create_ctfdat , ctf_show , idr_xray_tomo , image_common_lines , metadata_convert_to_spider , metadata_selfile_create , mlf_refine_3d, ml_refine_3d, ml_tomo , mrc_create_metadata , pdb_construct_dictionary, pdb_restore_with_dictionary , reconstruct_admn , reconstruct_art_pseudo , resolution_ibw , resolution_ssnr , score_micrograph , reconstruct_fourier_starpu , tomo_align_tilt_series, tomo_align_dual_tilt_series, tomo_align_refinement, tomo_align_refinement, tomo_extract_subvolume, tomo_project_main, tomo_remove_fluctuations , tomo_align_tilt_series,transform_range_adjust , validation_tilt_pairs , volume_pca , volume_validate_pca , work_test , 6f4d983 , evaulate_coordinates , extract_subset , image_separate_objects , volume_enhance_contrast , volume_reslice , xray_import , xray_project , xray_psf_create , xray_reconstruct_art , gpu_correlation, gpu_utils, classify_significant, deepAlign. -
volume_from_pdb: fixing input pdb file being overwritten when '-centerPDB' flag was set
xmipp_phantom_movie: adding support for fixed step shift & gain and dark image generation
CTF simulation allows astigmatism
xmipp_metadata_utility: Now join operations with an empty set will return a new empty set (previously no output file was generated).
xmipp_matrix_dimred: Program help improved. Exception is now thrown when the number of output dimensions is larger than the input dimensions
xmipp_angular_distance: Added itemId column to the output
Installation and user guide
- Refactor and simplified Readme page.
- Updating CUDA version compatibility
- Updating gcc version availables
- Fixed Matlab installation
- Added missing array include to fix compilation error with g++12
- Alert and not block compilation if gcc - CUDA are not compatible
- Avoid compilation warnings
- Required pyworkflow==3.0.31
- Maintenance: Recovered python binding tests
- Maintenance: fixing dangling pointer in xmipp_error
- Maintenance: Cleaned includes in xmipp_image_base
- PSD estimation: templating function, improving performance
- Flag cleanDeprecate in the installation; clean all deprecated executables programs
- python binding: fixed bug when Numpy arrays created by slicing were badly interpretted
- Removed "seed" library
- Fixed memory pinning CUDA bug
- Fixed compilation errors on CUDA 9