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Factor out keychain storage dependency #119

Factor out keychain storage dependency

Factor out keychain storage dependency #119

name: Test Pull Requests
branches: [ main ]
# this allows us to manually run this job
name: Code Tests
runs-on: macos-14
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Install dependencies
run: brew install swiftlint
- name: Lint code
run: swiftlint lint --config .swiftlint.yml --reporter github-actions-logging
- name: Select Xcode 15.3
run: sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/
- name: Build UID2 for iOS
run: xcodebuild -scheme UID2 -destination "generic/platform=iOS"
- name: Build UID2 for tvOS
run: xcodebuild -scheme UID2 -destination "generic/platform=tvOS"
- name: Run UID2 unit tests
run: xcodebuild test -scheme UID2 -sdk iphonesimulator17.4 -destination "OS=17.4,name=iPhone 15"
- name: Run UID2 unit tests on tvOS
run: xcodebuild test -scheme UID2 -sdk appletvsimulator17.4 -destination "OS=17.4,name=Apple TV"
- name: Bootstrap Prebid Dependencies
run: cd UID2Prebid && ./ && cd -
- name: Build UID2Prebid for iOS
run: xcodebuild -project UID2Prebid/UID2Prebid.xcodeproj -scheme UID2Prebid -destination "generic/platform=iOS"
- name: Run UID2Prebid unit tests
run: xcodebuild test -project UID2Prebid/UID2Prebid.xcodeproj -scheme UID2Prebid -sdk iphonesimulator17.4 -destination "OS=17.4,name=iPhone 15"
- name: Lint UID2 pod spec
run: pod lib lint UID2.podspec.json --verbose
- name: Lint UID2Prebid pod spec
run: pod lib lint UID2Prebid.podspec.json --verbose
name: Vulnerability Scan
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: [swift-code-checks]
- name: Vulnerability Scan
uses: IABTechLab/uid2-shared-actions/actions/vulnerability_scan_filesystem@v2