Deployed to:
Docs should build automatically upon pull request.
Uses, but without markdown or json support. See the examples and kitchen sink sections for some directives you can use.
Assuming a unix based system:
# Make sure you have python3 venv, e.g. for Ubuntu
# If you're not sure, try creating a venv, and see if it errors
sudo apt-get install python3-venv
# Create a venv
python3 -m venv .ve
# Enter the venv, needs to be run for every new shell
source .ve/bin/activate
# Install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Build the docs
cd docs
make dirhtml
Built docs are in docs/_build/dirhtml.
To view the built docs:
cd _build/dirhtml
python -m http.server
Then go to http://localhost:8000/ in a browser.
A devcontainer.json and launch.json are supplied which add sphinx-autobuild as a Run option
In order to contribute to this documentation, create a new branch and make your suggested changes. Then, open a Pull Request; this will build a preview of your changes and let you see what the complete site will look like.
The process for getting documentation translated is:
- Extract English strings into a .pot file
- Send the .pot file for translation
- Recieve .po files from the translation process
- Check the .po files into the repo
- Re-run the build process with the translations
cd docs
make gettext
# .pot files are in _build/locale
Nothing automated here, sorry. Ask @robredpath for details.
Place the files into docs/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/ (replacing fr with the appropriate langauge code as required)
On ReadTheDocs, projects that are translations don't auto-build on Pull Request. If you want to preview the documentation in another language, you can create a Version via the RTD interface and set it up to build the branch that you're working on. Translated versions will automatically rebuild when the Pull Request is merged, however.
If building locally:
cd docs
make -e SPHINXOPTS="-D language='fr'" dirhtml
Built docs are in docs/_build/dirhtml.