JavaScript file reader for IPG Automotive .erg result files. The reader requires a .erg file and corresponding .info file.
The data is returned as an array of quantity objects. Each object represents a quantity and contains the following properties:
- name - the name of the quantity e.g. 'Car.Distance'
- type - the data type of the quantity e.g. 'Double'
- unit - the unit of the quantity e.g. 'm'
- values - array of values for the quantity e.g. [0, 1, 2, 3]
Further information on the erg file format can be found in appendix A.1 of the IPG Automotive reference manual.
npm install --save @ipguk/erg-file-reader
Import library
const erg = require("@ipguk/erg-file-reader");
Define the .erg and .info file paths
let ergFile = "MyFile.erg";
let infoFile = "";
Read the data for all quantities
let data =, infoFile);
Read quantity definitions - no data values are returned, just the name and unit of each quantity
let quants = erg.readInfoQuants(infoFile);
Read header information - Date, Testrun Name, CarMaker Version
let header = erg.readInfoHeader(infoFile);
Validate ERG InfoFile
console.log("Valid ERG InfoFile);
console.log("Invalid ERG InfoFile);