Install the necessary packages using the requirements file found in the build
pip install -r build/requirements.txt
Download the dataset from the following link.
Note: It is possible to download the dataset using the Kaggle API, but this requires you to be logged in, which may make the process longer. To use the Kaggle API, follow these steps:
pip install kaggle
B - Authenticate with Kaggle by placing your kaggle.json file (containing your API credentials) in the ~/.kaggle/ directory.
kaggle datasets download googleai/pfam-seed-random-split
Move the contents of the dataset (train, dev, test, random_split) to a data/bronze/ folder.
Unpack the data using the script found in the build folder.
python build/ --input_dir data/bronze/ --output_file data/bronze/combined_data.csv
A quick data analysis is at your disposal to help you understand the data in the data_analysis.ipynb notebook. Your goal should be to understand the data, and why the transformations suggested in src/ need to be made.
Data needs to be preprocessed to be stage from a bronze to a silver layer. Your preprocessing script should drop rows with missing values if they exist, encode labels, split data across train/dev/test sets, drop columns and save class weights for training.
python src/ --data_file data/bronze/combined_data.csv --output_dir data/silver/