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Easy access to the Canadian Open Government Portal


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Easy access to the Canadian Open Government Portal

License: GPL v3 Travis-CI Build Status R-CMD-check

A R package to interact with the Open Canada API (see, to search and download datasets (see Licence at It is our hope that we will be able to bring this package up to the standard of a ropensci packages (see this issue on ropensci/wishlist ropensci-archive/wishlist#27).

This package makes extensive use of ckanr to access the Canadian government’s CKAN REST API.

The code is under GPL-3 license. All the data is under Open Government License (

Hex Logo done with hexSticker:


Until release to CRAN, you will need to use remotes to install from source.



  1. First, load the package. The default ckanr url will be set to the Open Canada Portal.
## rgovcan package - alpha release - attached

## ℹ ckanr url set to

If you happen to change the default url, you can reset it back to the default with govcan_setup().

## ℹ ckanr url set to
  1. A typical workflow with rgovcan can start with running govcan_search() on a given set of keywords. This yields a stack of ckan_packages() (object of class ckan_package_stack).
dfo_search <- govcan_search(keywords = c("dfo"), records = 10)
## ℹ Searching the Open Portal for records matching: dfo

## ℹ CKAN query: 319 records found for keywords: dfo

## ℹ 319 matching records were found, 10 records were returned
dfo_search # outputs a `ckan_package_stack`
## ── <CKAN Package Stack with 10 Packages> ───────────────────────────────────────────────
##   First 5 packages:  
## <CKAN Package> 5cfd93bd-b3ee-4b0b-8816-33d388f6811d 
##   Title: DFO sea lice audits of BC marine finfish aquaculture sites
## <CKAN Package> 4dc95665-3d44-428c-bb26-12f981c57060 
##   Title: DFO’s fish health monitoring activities at BC aquaculture sites
## <CKAN Package> 6c891715-317c-4d4d-9fe8-ea425e01d9d2 
##   Title: Results of DFO fish health audits of British Columbian marine finfish aquaculture sites, by facility
## <CKAN Package> c1a54a0c-4eb0-4b50-be1f-01aee632527e 
##   Title: Results of DFO benthic audits of British Columbia marine finfish aquaculture sites
## <CKAN Package> f32ce23d-4a16-4eaa-9648-2f02a98b91af 
##   Title: Oceans Protection Plan Regional Response Planning Extents

see ?govcan_search for further details.

  1. Another possibility is to start with a package id corresponding to an actual record and retrieve a ckan_package.
id <- "7ac5fe02-308d-4fff-b805-80194f8ddeb4" # Package ID
id_search <- govcan_get_record(record_id = id)
## Searching for dataset with id: 7ac5fe02-308d-4fff-b805-80194f8ddeb4

## ℹ Record found: "Pacific Region Commercial Salmon Fishery In-season Catch Estimates"
id_search # outputs a `ckan_package`
## <CKAN Package> 7ac5fe02-308d-4fff-b805-80194f8ddeb4 
##   Title: Pacific Region Commercial Salmon Fishery In-season Catch Estimates
##   Creator/Modified: 2018-09-21T12:18:04.128562 / 2020-04-30T17:49:14.169519
##   Resources (up to 5): Data Dictionary, Commercial Salmon In-Season Catch Estimates (In Pieces) From 2004 To 2019, Data Dictionary, Commercial Salmon In-Season Catch Estimates (In Pieces) From 2004 To 2019, Pacific Region Commercial Salmon Fishery In-season Catch Estimates
##   Tags (up to 5): 
##   Groups (up to 5):
  1. Once the packages have been retrieved from the portal, you can use govcan_get_resources on those results to display the ckan_resources contained in the packages (a “resource” is any dataset attached to a given record). This outputs a ckan_resource_stack when called on a unique package.
id_resources <- govcan_get_resources(id_search)
id_resources # outputs a `resource_stack`
## <CKAN Resource Stack with 5 Resource> 
##   Resources:  
## <CKAN Resource> 0c1b2697-4ba6-4b66-b70f-72445d00443b 
##   Name: Data Dictionary
##   Format: HTML
## <CKAN Resource> eb138d6a-1a8b-4907-af91-c9c728fe9531 
##   Name: Commercial Salmon In-Season Catch Estimates (In Pieces) From 2004 To 2019
##   Format: CSV
## <CKAN Resource> f3e7fa0f-65d5-408d-919c-0e31a26251f2 
##   Name: Data Dictionary
##   Format: CSV
## <CKAN Resource> 9374bf48-9f71-4216-9b2a-ddf295b30046 
##   Name: Commercial Salmon In-Season Catch Estimates (In Pieces) From 2004 To 2019
##   Format: ESRI REST
## <CKAN Resource> 53b268cb-d734-4432-8798-aa9f6ddbd637 
##   Name: Pacific Region Commercial Salmon Fishery In-season Catch Estimates
##   Format: ESRI REST

Or a list of stacks if called onto a ckan_package_stack.

dfo_resources <- govcan_get_resources(dfo_search)
dfo_resources # outputs a list of `resource_stack`s
## [[1]]
## <CKAN Resource Stack with 6 Resource> 
##   Resources:  
## <CKAN Resource> 96852f26-a35d-4c4a-abe0-20a77aee8c93 
##   Name: DFO sea lice audits of BC marine finfish aquaculture sites, 2011 ongoing
##   Format: CSV
## <CKAN Resource> bc58d577-d47c-4df7-9627-b35a892368fa 
##   Name: DFO sea lice audits of BC marine finfish aquaculture sites, 2011 ongoing
##   Format: CSV
## <CKAN Resource> 001e49c7-0a70-4087-bb78-6094c445667e 
##   Name: DFO sea lice audits of BC marine finfish aquaculture sites
##   Format: CSV
## <CKAN Resource> 17d5ab8c-2b68-413a-8a11-734a1b8e8cf1 
##   Name: DFO sea lice audits of BC marine finfish aquaculture sites
##   Format: CSV
## <CKAN Resource> bdcdd26f-5e7e-4cc3-b6d8-77d36e9401e4 
##   Name: Create a Google Map using latitude and longitude data
##   Format: TXT
## <CKAN Resource> b1cc58cf-8edf-4264-9078-470d69c446d5 
##   Name: Create a Google Map using latitude and longitude data
##   Format: TXT
## [[2]]
## <CKAN Resource Stack with 4 Resource> 
##   Resources:  
## <CKAN Resource> 26c2c849-b033-4092-8993-e1f50514d096 
##   Name: DFO’s fish health monitoring activities at BC aquaculture sites, 2011 and ongoing
##   Format: CSV
## <CKAN Resource> ed82597d-a30c-4f55-a4e2-71d7ac8b7fff 
##   Name: DFO’s fish health monitoring activities at BC aquaculture sites, 2011 and ongoing
##   Format: CSV
## <CKAN Resource> 2bd87c89-a755-4885-b6c5-d14beddc952b 
##   Name: DFO’s fish health monitoring activities at BC aquaculture sites
##   Format: CSV
## <CKAN Resource> cb52f0bf-dae7-4a97-baef-a45bb40dfa73 
##   Name: DFO’s fish health monitoring activities at BC aquaculture sites
##   Format: CSV
## [[3]]
## <CKAN Resource Stack with 6 Resource> 
##   Resources:  
## <CKAN Resource> b49ab71b-ec00-4e85-813b-d508c32166db 
##   Name: Results of DFO fish health audits of BC marine finfish aquaculture sites, by facility 2011 and ongoing
##   Format: CSV
## <CKAN Resource> 8681da09-ba23-40aa-a928-5fda929712fd 
##   Name: Results of DFO fish health audits of BC marine finfish aquaculture sites, by facility 2011 and ongoing
##   Format: CSV
## <CKAN Resource> 7bd96bb4-1608-4bea-b432-329d5ef469ec 
##   Name: Results of DFO fish health audits of BC marine finfish aquaculture sites, by facility 2011 and ongoing
##   Format: CSV
## <CKAN Resource> bb164f09-f6af-4bb2-bcf8-f2c34e9c8313 
##   Name: Results of DFO fish health audits of BC marine finfish aquaculture sites, by facility 2011 and ongoing
##   Format: CSV
## <CKAN Resource> 95b916b1-25a9-480d-9388-97ab68abec8b 
##   Name: Create a Google Map using latitude and longitude data
##   Format: TXT
## <CKAN Resource> a1b27546-5b73-419f-a8cd-6e5c35184413 
##   Name: Create a Google Map using latitude and longitude data
##   Format: TXT
## [[4]]
## <CKAN Resource Stack with 6 Resource> 
##   Resources:  
## <CKAN Resource> f51236a0-4ccc-4fd1-9fd0-f4a109065732 
##   Name: Results of DFO benthic monitoring audits of BC marine finfish aquaculture sites, 2011 and ongoing
##   Format: CSV
## <CKAN Resource> 220ce25f-534d-46ca-955f-41c8e8046be9 
##   Name: Results of DFO benthic monitoring audits of BC marine finfish aquaculture sites, 2011 and ongoing
##   Format: CSV
## <CKAN Resource> 010b3ad4-21b0-49b5-9269-0946f832818c 
##   Name: Results of DFO benthic monitoring audits of BC marine finfish aquaculture sites, 2011 and ongoing
##   Format: CSV
## <CKAN Resource> 57de280e-2516-4309-bac4-170d73f893a5 
##   Name: Results of DFO benthic monitoring audits of BC marine finfish aquaculture sites, 2011 and ongoing
##   Format: CSV
## <CKAN Resource> 8d4eeaee-ead7-432f-a109-10873f8f208d 
##   Name: Create a Google Map using latitude and longitude data 
##   Format: TXT
## <CKAN Resource> 18cb5078-7add-41f2-98e9-8b8ea2e01ce2 
##   Name: Create a Google Map using latitude and longitude data 
##   Format: TXT
## [[5]]
## <CKAN Resource Stack with 3 Resource> 
##   Resources:  
## <CKAN Resource> bb01c294-9f21-44ed-bd73-341f18d25419 
##   Name: Oceans Protection Plan Extent- Data Dictionary
##   Format: HTML
## <CKAN Resource> 28555692-fb08-40d4-865e-83dbe4bfd2e6 
##   Name: Oceans Protection Plan Regional Response Planning Extents
##   Format: ESRI REST
## <CKAN Resource> 26a19e90-f21a-44b5-9f49-405d9b751a33 
##   Name: Oceans Protection Plan Regional Response Planning Extents
##   Format: ESRI REST
## [[6]]
## <CKAN Resource Stack with 3 Resource> 
##   Resources:  
## <CKAN Resource> baa41cff-9357-4d41-86f1-26cf4d330040 
##   Name: Federal Marine Bioregions
##   Format: FGDB/GDB
## <CKAN Resource> 68fdd715-7376-4ff5-a2a2-c758bb1936e1 
##   Name: Federal Marine Bioregions
##   Format: ESRI REST
## <CKAN Resource> 00f0c169-ed9f-4b3e-a20b-03fe465f3814 
##   Name: Federal Marine Bioregions
##   Format: ESRI REST
## [[7]]
## <CKAN Resource Stack with 4 Resource> 
##   Resources:  
## <CKAN Resource> 1ad4cc94-25fa-4a77-8820-4f90a1826569 
##   Name: MSDI Dynamic Current Layer
##   Format: CSV
## <CKAN Resource> 6810bde3-74a3-44d7-92bd-1c7435e0e04f 
##   Name: MSDI Dynamic Current Layer
##   Format: ESRI REST
## <CKAN Resource> e0446817-be17-4bc2-abc9-304f9cc8e4d7 
##   Name: MSDI Dynamic Current Layer
##   Format: HTML
## <CKAN Resource> 3c601e26-562f-4a80-8cb4-43d24e76f01e 
##   Name: MSDI Dynamic Current Layer
##   Format: HTML
## [[8]]
## <CKAN Resource Stack with 7 Resource> 
##   Resources:  
## <CKAN Resource> a5d3af15-dade-4aa6-a4c5-7396c1ac5915 
##   Name: Science Advisory Report 2016/039
##   Format: HTML
## <CKAN Resource> 3d2e4fee-4bfb-4ffe-970d-68e70a214fbb 
##   Name: Terms of Reference
##   Format: HTML
## <CKAN Resource> cbee4a17-8af0-4ab7-9ade-1676c0281b0e 
##   Name: Proceedings 2017/043
##   Format: HTML
## <CKAN Resource> 71c936bd-2519-4b3c-baf9-77ff0a4a60fa 
##   Name: Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler data from the Coast of Bays, Newfoundland
##   Format: ESRI REST
## <CKAN Resource> fcca9fe8-eccd-4e4b-81a9-6f81538bfe7c 
##   Name: Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler data from the Coast of Bays, Newfoundland
##   Format: ESRI REST
## <CKAN Resource> 9b7c9269-aa21-4d3d-9979-d3a840c24f60 
##   Name: ADCP Data
##   Format: ZIP
## <CKAN Resource> 7116b8ba-d6d8-4c7c-90f4-60389c7f9ad2 
##   Name: Coast of Bays ADCP stations 2009-2014
##   Format: CSV
## [[9]]
## <CKAN Resource Stack with 4 Resource> 
##   Resources:  
## <CKAN Resource> 299b5db6-a4f8-4905-a16b-4a4b79887f90 
##   Name: Data Dictionary
##   Format: CSV
## <CKAN Resource> 6a344c5f-9919-4f70-9e1b-0a96767390c5 
##   Name: EBSA
##   Format: FGDB/GDB
## <CKAN Resource> 639615c4-b76d-41fa-93db-e4db72ca9f58 
##   Name: EBSA
##   Format: ESRI REST
## <CKAN Resource> f8dc3187-668e-4f4e-8ab6-5c260d204cbd 
##   Name: EBSA
##   Format: ESRI REST
## [[10]]
## <CKAN Resource Stack with 2 Resource> 
##   Resources:  
## <CKAN Resource> 983a70a0-435a-4ba4-aaaf-6efa0def06ac 
##   Name: Mailing address and contact details for primary offices for Fisheries and Oceans Canada (English)
##   Format: ESRI REST
## <CKAN Resource> c8970b71-7f77-4c24-ab94-f90ec23af81d 
##   Name: Mailing address and contact details for primary offices for Fisheries and Oceans Canada (French)
##   Format: ESRI REST
  1. Finally, you can download the resources with govcan_dl_resources(). These can either be stored to a certain directory or load into session (* this option might fail due to current issues with ckanr::ckan_fetch).
path <- "tmp/data/"
dir.create(path, recursive = TRUE)
## Warning in dir.create(path, recursive = TRUE): 'tmp/data' already exists
govcan_dl_resources(id_resources, path = path)
## ℹ Data Dictionary (html) ✔
## ℹ Commercial Salmon In-Season Catch Estimates (In Pieces) From 2004 To 2019 (csv) ✔
## ℹ Data Dictionary (csv) ✔
## ℹ Commercial Salmon In-Season Catch Estimates (In Pieces) From 2004 To 2019 (esri rest) ⚠ skipped (not supported).
## ℹ Pacific Region Commercial Salmon Fishery In-season Catch Estimates (esri rest) ⚠ skipped (not supported).

## # A tibble: 5 x 7
##   id           package_id       url                    path            fmt   store data 
##   <chr>        <chr>            <chr>                  <chr>           <chr> <chr> <lgl>
## 1 0c1b2697-4b… 7ac5fe02-308d-4… https://pacgis01.dfo-… tmp/data//Data… htm   disk  NA   
## 2 eb138d6a-1a… 7ac5fe02-308d-4… https://pacgis01.dfo-… tmp/data//ise-… zip   disk  NA   
## 3 f3e7fa0f-65… 7ac5fe02-308d-4… https://pacgis01.dfo-… tmp/data//Data… csv   disk  NA   
## 4 9374bf48-9f… 7ac5fe02-308d-4… https://gisp.dfo-mpo.… <NA>            esri… <NA>  NA   
## 5 53b268cb-d7… 7ac5fe02-308d-4… https://gisp.dfo-mpo.… <NA>            esri… <NA>  NA

see ?govcan_dl_resources for further details.


Easy access to the Canadian Open Government Portal







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