Short introduction to project assigment.
Screenshot / GIF
Link to Demo Video
This work was done by Jonashar, Mack0438, and subpathdev during the IW276 Autonome Systeme Labor at the Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences (Hochschule Karlruhe - Technik und Wirtschaft) in SS 2021.
- Python 3.6 (or above)
- OpenCV 4.1 (or above)
- Jetson Nano
- Jetpack 4.4
[Optional] ...
- Install requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Pre-trained model is available at pretrained-models/
To run the demo, pass path to the pre-trained checkpoint and camera id (or path to video file):
python src/
We are using a base image which includes only the requirements.
To build that image you can execute use docker build -t -f base_image.dockerfile
You can download the already created container too currently you need the read packages permission do do this.
If the base image can be found on your local system you can build the app container with the following command docker build -t -f app.dockerfile
To start the container you can use the following command where the directory datasets
contains all tested files.
mkdir out
docker run --runtime=nvidia -v $(realpath datasets):/app/testdata -v $(realpath out):/app/out
We are assumed that the tag latest exists and references to the latest built container image.
This repo is based on
Thanks to the original authors for their work!
Please email mickael.cormier AT
for further questions.