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Affective Computing - RGBD Face Expression Recognition


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RGBD Face Expression Recognition

Short introduction to project assigment.

This work was done by Christian Braun, Fabian Wenzel and Bernardo Abreu Figueiredo during the IW276 Autonome Systeme Labor at the Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences (Hochschule Karlruhe - Technik und Wirtschaft) in WS 2020 / 2021.

Table of Contents


  • Jetson Nano
  • Jetpack 4.4
  • Docker 19.03 (or above)
  • Python 3.6 (or above)
  • OpenCV 4.1 (or above)
  • numpy 1.19.1
  • torch 1.6.0
  • torchvision 0.7
  • face_recognition 1.3.0
  • torch2trt (see Nano Prerequisites)
  • pyrealsense2 (see Nano Prerequisites)


Ensure that the camera is connected to the Jetson Nano.
To check if the camera is connected correctly, you can run rs-depth or rs-enumerate.
These commands are avaiable, after the installation of the pyrealsense2 library.

  1. Clone the repository (https or ssh)
// https
git clone

// ssh
git clone
  1. Move inside the directory
cd IW276WS20-P6
  1. Enable the jetson_clocks (to increase install/execution performance)
sudo jetson_clocks
  1. Optional: Increase the size of the available swap size

Follow the instructions at this repository.

Display Forwarding

To see the generated video output stream, you need to serve a display to the nano.
On option is to directly work on the nano with a display attached.
Sometimes this is not possible. The other option is to work with ssh.
When working with ssh you need some kind of display forwarding (X11 as a keyword).
We all worked on Windows, therefore these two software products together made it work:

Docker Execution Prerequisites

Source List and GPG Files in resource folder

We need these two files to install some libraries (e.g. opencv2) using apt inside the build process for the image:


These are currently located at the resource folder.
If there is a newer version of Jetpack installed, you might to manually place these files inside the folder again.
Read the comment for more information

To build and run the docker container proceed here.

Nano Execution Prerequisites

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Some dependencies are not available via pip. The following sections guide the installation.


torch2trt is needed for the conversion of the pytorch model to the tensorRT model and the execution of the converted model. torch2trt at this stage is not available via pip. You need to clone the repository and follow the setup.


git clone
cd torch2trt
python install

pyrealsense2 (librealsense)

The pip version of the library is not available for devices with arm architecutre.
So we need to install the library from the repository.

git clone
mkdir librealsense/build
cd librealsense/build
cmake ../ -DBUILD_PYTHON_BINDINGS=bool:true -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=release -DBUILD_WITH_CUDA:bool=true
make -j4 VERBOSE=1 
make install

You can check whether the installation was successfull with:

python3 -c "import pyrealsense2"

It can occur that the module cannot be found. The installation command make install fails to copy needed files/scripts to the correct python 3.x library folder. The location for the pyrealsense2 folder can vary for each device / operating system.

In general two additional steps need to be done:

  • Copy the pyrealsense2 folder into the correct python 3.x library folder
  • Copy the missing file into the pyrealsense2 folder

For example the steps on the Jetson Nano look like this:

mv /usr/local/lib/python3.6/pyrealsense2 /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages
mv ./librealsense/wrappers/python/pyrealsense2/ /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/pyrealsense2

Pre-trained models

Pre-trained model is available at resources/pretrained-models/.
To unzip it execute:

7z x resnet50.224.pth.7z

We also serve a converted trt-model at resources/trt-models/
To unzip it execute:

7z x resnet50.224.trt.pth.7z.001

This model is converted with PyTorch 1.6 and may not work with other versions!


Before running the scirpts directly on the nano (without docker) you need to successfully accomplishe the nano prerequisites.

Model Conversion

To optimize the performance of the face expression recognition, we use a TenorRT model for the pipeline. To convert the model yourself, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Move into the conversion directory
cd IW276WS20-P6/src/conversion
  1. Convert the unzipped PyTorch model
python3 resnet50 ../../resources/pretrained-models/resnet50.224.pth ../../resources/pretrained-models/resnet50.224.trt.pth

The argument list explained:

python3 <mode> <source> <target>
Argument Description
<mode> switch between network modes (resnet50 or resnet18)
<source> path to pytorch model
<target path to resulting tensorRT model

Execute Pipeline

To run the demo, pass path to the pre-trained checkpoint and camera id (or path to video file):

python3 ../resources/trt-models/resnet50.224.trt.pth


Before building and running the container you need to successfully accomplishe the docker prerequisites.

The image executes the pipeline.

  1. Build the docker image
sudo docker build . -t asl-p6

You can also run the bash script:


This step can take between 1h to 1h 30min.

  1. Execute the Image

We need a lot of parameters to execute the image.
The reason is the forwarding of the display, the camera access and the volume.

To start the image:

sudo docker-compose up

Optional steps (for development)

  • Comment the model conversion from the docker image

After the inital conversion we store the converted image at the trt-models folder.
Enable the volumne in the docker-compose.yml file and place the converted model in it. For future docker builds you can use the previous converted model and safe time building the image.

  • Use the bash shell inside the container

Sometimes it is useful to use the bash shell to test new implementations or tweak parameters. Change the last line:

CMD ...

for following line:

ENTRYPOINT /bin/bash

To enter the bash shell:

sudo docker-compose run asl-p6


This repo is based on

Thanks to the original authors for their work!


Please email mickael.cormier AT for further questions.


Affective Computing - RGBD Face Expression Recognition







No packages published

Contributors 4
