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restic-scheduler is a tool designed to allow declarative scheduling of restic backups using HCL (HashiCorp Configuration Language). This tool simplifies the process of managing and automating backups by defining jobs in a configuration file.

Getting Started


You can install restic-scheduler using the following command:

go install

You can also download the latest release from the releases page.

Finally, if you prefer to use Docker, you can run something like the following command:

docker run -v /path/to/config:/config -v /path/to/data:/data iamthefij/restic-scheduler -config /config/jobs.hcl


If you're not using Docker, you'll need to ensure that restic is installed and available in your system's PATH. You can download and install restic from here.


Command Line Interface

The restic-scheduler command line interface provides several options for managing backup, restore, and unlock jobs. Below are some examples of how to use this tool.

Display Version

To display the version of restic-scheduler, use the -version flag:

restic-scheduler -version

Run Backup Jobs

To run backup jobs, use the -backup flag followed by a comma-separated list of job names. Use all to run all backup jobs:

restic-scheduler -backup job1,job2

Run Restore Jobs

To run restore jobs, use the -restore flag followed by a comma-separated list of job names. Use all to run all restore jobs:

restic-scheduler -restore job1,job2

Unlock Job Repositories

To unlock job repositories, use the -unlock flag followed by a comma-separated list of job names. Use all to unlock all job repositories:

restic-scheduler -unlock job1,job2

Run Jobs Once and Exit

To run specified backup and restore jobs once and exit, use the -once flag:

restic-scheduler -backup job1 -restore job2 -once

Health Check and metrics API

To bind the health check and Prometheus metrics API to a specific address, use the -addr flag:

restic-scheduler -addr

Metrics Push Gateway

To specify the URL of a Prometheus push gateway service for batch runs, use the -push-gateway flag:

restic-scheduler -push-gateway

HCL Configuration

The configuration for restic-scheduler is defined using HCL. Below is a description and example of how to define a backup job in the configuration file.

Job Configuration

A job in the configuration file is defined using the job block. Each job must have a unique name, a schedule, and a configuration for restic. Additionally, tasks can be defined to perform specific actions before and after the backup.


  • name: The name of the job.
  • schedule: The cron schedule for the job.
  • config: The restic configuration block.
    • repo: The restic repository.
    • passphrase: (Optional) The passphrase for the repository.
    • env: (Optional) Environment variables for restic.
    • options: (Optional) Global options for restic. See the restic command for details.
  • task: (Optional) A list of tasks to run before and after the backup.
  • mysql, postgres, sqlite: (Optional) Database-specific tasks.
  • backup: The backup configuration block.
  • forget: (Optional) Options for forgetting old snapshots.


Below is an example of a job configuration in HCL:

// Example job file
job "MyApp" {
  schedule = "* * * * *"

  config {
    repo = "s3://..."
    passphrase = "foo"
    # Some alternate ways to pass the passphrase to restic
    # passphrase = env("RESTIC_PASSWORD")
    # passphrase = readfile("/path/to/passphrase")
    env = {
      "foo" = "bar",
    options {
      VerboseLevel = 3
      # Another alternate way to pass the passphrase to restic
      # PasswordFile = "/path/to/passphrase"

  mysql "DumpMainDB" {
    hostname = "foo"
    username = "bar"
    dump_to = "/data/main.sql"

  sqlite "DumpSqlite" {
    path = "/db/sqlite.db"
    dump_to = "/data/sqlite.db.bak"

  task "Create biz file" {

    pre_script {
      on_backup = <<EOF
      echo bar >> /biz.txt

    post_script {
      on_backup = <<EOF
      rm /biz.txt

  task "Run restore shell script" {
    pre_script {
      on_restore = "/foo/"

  backup {
    files =[

    backup_opts {
      Tags = ["service"]

    restore_opts {
      Verify = true
      # Since paths are absolute, restore to root
      Target = "/"

  forget {
    KeepLast = 3
    KeepWeekly = 2
    KeepMonthly = 2
    KeepYearly = 2
    Prune = true
restic-scheduler jobs.hcl

This will read the job definitions from jobs.hcl and execute the specified jobs.

For more examples, check out ./config.hcl or some of the example integration test configs in ./test/.


Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request on the GitHub repository.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.