A Flutter package for creating a Timetable widget in which to display blocks of time with optional widgets in them. The vertical time range is configurable and the widget is horizontally scrollable. The timetable has options to merge blocks below eachother when they are not overlapping or collapse items that are at the same time and have the same identifier.
To use this package, add timetable
as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.
See Example Code for more info.
Please file any issues, bugs or feature request as an issue on our GitHub page. Commercial support is available if you need help with integration with your app or services. You can contact us at support@iconica.nl.
If you would like to contribute to the plugin (e.g. by improving the documentation, solving a bug or adding a cool new feature), please carefully review our contribution guide and send us your pull request.
This timetable
for Flutter is developed by Iconica. You can contact us at support@iconica.nl