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User Story

Suparna Arya Biswas edited this page Aug 30, 2019 · 12 revisions

1. Story Name: "Post"

As a: User

Done By: Suparna Biswas

I want: To post the names of the books that I want to lend or sell or request.

So that: Others can be benefited. And also I can get some money from selling.

Confirmation/Acceptance Criteria:

The user will select the type of the post: • It can be for sell

• It can be given for rent/lend

• Requesting a book that is not available in database

2. Story Name: "Search"

Done By: Suparna Biswas As a: User

I want: To easily search for books

So that: I can get my desired book

Confirmation/Acceptance Criteria:

 Successful search:

  • User will get the search results displayed

 Unsuccessful search:

  • A message will pop-up stating that the desired book is unavailable.

  • The user will then have an option to request for that book.

  • User will be given an option to search again for different book

3. Story Name: " See books in Category"

As a: User

I need: the books can be categorized

So that: I can find my desired books easily

Confirmation/Acceptance Criteria:

  • It will allow the user to see the books by desired categories.
  • There will be categories like Bestsellers, New Releases etc.
  • There will also be categories by genres like Educational, Fiction, Non-Fiction, Thriller, Fantasy, Science fiction, Romance, Mystery, Detective story etc.
  • If there is no available book for the selected category then the system will show some message like “No such book available right now”.

4. Story Name: "Sort"

As a: User

I need: an option to sort the books

So that: it shows my desired books first

Confirmation/Acceptance Criteria:

  • User can be able to sort the whole library by his/her desired parameter.
  • He/she can also sort the books under a particular category.
  • There will be parameters like “by title”, “by publication date”, “by price”, “by availability”, “by rating” etc.
  • All these parameters will have both increasing and decreasing order.

5. Story Name: "See Book Suggestions"

As a: User

I need: Book Suggestions based on my interests

So that: I can see and find posts regarding those books

Confirmation/Acceptance Criteria:

Suggested books are shown as a list under the name “Book Suggestions” to the user.

6. Story Name: "Report Post"

As a: User

I need: a “Report post” option

So that: I can report inappropriate content on the website

Confirmation/Acceptance Criteria:

The post report is sent to the website admin for necessary action.