This is a zalgo text generator. It will generate zalgo text from the input text.
This package can be used for javascript and typescript.
🚀🚀🚀 The package is published on npm 🚀🚀🚀
You can find an online demo at this address:
🚀🚀 zalgo-generator-website 🚀🚀
The demo source code is available on 🚀🚀 GitHub 🚀🚀
There is different functions to use which take an input string and return a zalgo text string.
You can find examples in the index.ts
import {zalgoGeneration, zalgoRandomGeneration, unzalgoText} from './zalgo-generator';
console.log('Zalgo hello world! : ', zalgoGeneration('Zalgo hello world!', 1, 1, 1), '\n');
const zalgoText = zalgoRandomGeneration('Zalgo text!', 3);
console.log('Random zalgo text : ', zalgoText, '\n');
console.log('Unzalgo Zalgo text! : ', unzalgoText(zalgoText), '\n');
The project is set up to run the following actions:
- node.js.yml : Runs the tests for the Node.js project.
- eslint.yml : Runs the ESLint linter on the project.
- codeql.yml : Runs the CodeQL linter on the project.
Quentin MOREL :
- @Im-Rises