A plugin for all your pausing needs.
Download the DLL corresponding to your game / engine:
SDK SPT DLL Source SDK (Base) 2013 / SteamPipe / Latest spt-2013.dll
Black Mesa spt-bms.dll
Source SDK (Base) 2006 / Old Engine spt-oe.dll
Portal 2 spt-p2.dll
Source SDK (Base) 2007 / Source Unpack / New Engine spt.dll
Place the DLL into the correct folder:
SDK Folder Old Engine Topmost bin
etc.Old Engine mods Source SDK Base\bin
Half-Life 2 hl2
Half-Life 2: Episode 1 episodic
Half-Life 2: Episode 2 ep2
Portal portal
Portal 2 portal2
Black Mesa bms
Launch the game.
Go to
Options > Keyboard > Advanced
, checkEnable developer console
, and press OK. -
Press the tilde key (~) and enter
plugin_load spt
into the developer console.Add
plugin_load spt
to load SourcePauseTool automatically.Loading SourcePauseTool more than once will crash the game!
You will need Visual Studio 2019 and git.
Run the following in cmd:
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/YaLTeR/SourcePauseTool.git SourcePauseTool\spt.sln
If Windows asks which program to open
with, choose Visual Studio.If Visual Studio asks to retarget projects, press OK.
Once Visual Studio is open, right click
, clickProperties
, changePlatform Toolset
to the one corresponding to your Visual Studio version, and press OK. -
Choose the build configuration
SDK Configuration Source SDK 2007 (Source Unpack/New Engine/Orange Box) Release
Source SDK 2013 (SteamPipe/latest) Release 2013
Black Mesa Release BMS
Source SDK 2006 (Old Engine) Release OE
Portal 2 Release P2
Build > Build Solution
will be inhl2sdk\utils\SourcePauseTool\<Build Configuration>
.srctas is the SPT TAS script format. You can find its documentation here.